preignition time setting

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preignition time setting

Post by ByReaL »

1) look at the attached movie: and you will notice that in the preignition time window, if you change the value to using the slider and then you tri to increment with +1 by presing the up arow in the spin edit, the value will be incresed witm much more then +1

2) look at the attached movie: when you change the value using the spin edit the slider does not change his position (a bug for k value regarding this problem has been already sumbited)
bug18and 19.rar
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Posts: 127
Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:46 pm
Location: Romania / SUA

Post by ByReaL »

version xxxxxx14
problem 1 not fixed

version xxxxxx14
problem 2 fixed
* Got CA18DET Love
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