RPM 2 in address file CR31

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RPM 2 in address file CR31

Post by bachig24u »

Hi Matt,

Adding this to the VLT Address file, it dug up the second value of 6400 I was after in the binary code.

REV2_LIMIT,&H3F8B,1,1,1,50,Rev. Limit 2

Is this a valid address location I can use to adjust the second limiter in the VLT?

I can't test it for a few months at this stage so I was hoping you may be able to shed some light.

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Re: RPM 2 in address file CR31

Post by Matt »

checked the disassembly and used in the VLT one also. I've added to address file for next release

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Re: RPM 2 in address file CR31

Post by bachig24u »

Excellent, thanks for confirming that :)

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Re: RPM 2 in address file CR31

Post by 87calais »

what is the purpose of the 2 limiters? how do the 2 address' effect one another?
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Re: RPM 2 in address file CR31

Post by Matt »

First one is a 'soft' limiter which will recover and then hit again

Second one is a 'hard' limiter which will cut all the way until rpms are around idle

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Re: RPM 2 in address file CR31

Post by bachig24u »

It's more of a 'out of parameter' protective feature.

I managed to find it by mistake as you do, was tuning an AFM at the track when the TP limit got smacked and BAM car goes from hero to zero like some one took the key out, lost 3 seconds off the 1/4mile. (at least thats my excuse, and I'm sticking to it)

Initially thought it was the lower rpm for the Rev limiter but it's definitely not. I wish I could find that parameter some where.
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Re: RPM 2 in address file CR31

Post by Matt »

are you saying theres another parameter, or you think this is the one which got hit?

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Re: RPM 2 in address file CR31

Post by bachig24u »

If the engine hits say 6400 rpm1 limit, it bounces about 400rpm off the limit.
No matter what the rpm2 limit is set to the results are the same when rpm1 limit is hit.

This makes me think there must be a second rpm 'lower limit' that can be configured to keep the engine bouncing closely to the rpm1 limit chosen.

I think when other limit settings are exceeded, that's when the rpm2 limit is triggered to limit the engine,
but I'm only assuming this be the case.
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