Bug fix release
Main fixes was for wideband crashes (due to window manager crashing when doing AFR maptrace updates)
10320 Crash on Zeitronix and CA18 after 5 seconds
10323 Aux1 renamed as Aux3 for wideband (Mircea)
10346 Mixture word still in description for FIRE table
10347 Clicking on cell does not move cursor on graphic view
10342 Auto reload from registry puts bin in file description
10343 After update VQ maps need to refresh view display
10348 Big numbers on AUX output trunctuates
10342 Delta view not update when comparsion changed
10345 select consult register - flag as not available on USB consult
10344 Injector adjustment TTP out of range potentially
10345 if you change the value to using the slider and increment
I'm going to be working on the Type 3 board firmware fixes this week and then testing Type 4 ... and then back to bug fixes/enhancements
NIStune release 0.90115 now available
Moderator: Matt