installing updated software issue

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installing updated software issue

Post by Dan-TSS »

Well...I am having difficulty with getting a new version of the NisTune software to work on my laptop. I originally had version 907a back in November installed and working on my laptop. I have tried a couple times now to install version 907114. I found the answer and fixed one of the problems I was having with regards the Innovate information not being in a proper place..."MTS.dll file needing to be copied from program files/logworks folder to system32 folder". (Stinky covered this in one of his posts on this forum a long while back)
The next problem I am encountering is that the software installs and opens up saying "Errors in Address file cannot process!, Error:ROM ORIGIN is not specified"
This new problem will not allow me to open an address file.
This is occuring with the last two software updates and I believe it may be something I am over looking, but need help to fix the problem.
What do I do?....I am running windows XP if that helps any.
Dan :roll:
SupSay Z

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Post by SupSay Z »

hey Dan, whats up? long time since i heard from you. anyways,
as far as the lm1 thing, i have the exact same problem, v14 and v15. i already emailed matt about it and he is looking into it. as far as the other thing, i dont know. say hi to the family for me.


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Post by Russ84NA »

The version .907 you were using was put out in mid January I believe.
At the end of January a new set up was introduced. I'm pretty sure this is your problem. Go to the download site and get the NTprogram set up. Then you will need the new adress files that go with the version you have. You have Rev 1 with the Romulator don't you? I can send you the address files if you can't find them. Then you should be good to go.

Good to hear from you, it's been awhile.
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Post by Matt »

Hi Dan

I'll send you an updated address file. All the address files got changed earlier on in the year to add an ECU identifier parameter (NTLOOKUPID).

This replaced all the other ECU specific parameters, and we now have a lookup table in the software. Any updates now get made to the software, rather than people having to update their address files when things change

- Okay I'm going to do an installation document which will cover the Innovate MTS stuff (ie install LogWorks first, copy DLL and then install NIStune). Actually NIStune should install the DLL for you already when you tick the 'Innovate' box during the installation

- Also as Alex has indicated the main panel and list windows disappear after some time of running. This has to do with a MTS ActiveX control being embedded in the main panel. For some reason this is crashing, and taking everything else down with it. I'll have a look into it tonight and push the fix out in v116

I haven't touched the innovate stuff for a while and it would be good to get some feedback how its working once we get past this problem, now its summertime for you guys (and getting cold here ...)

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Post by Dan-TSS »

I tried both the V115 and the V117 and I am having a new problem. I am able to get connected to the romulator by clicking the "Emulator" button, but when I click the "Consult" won't connect. I went to "configuration" under the "File" drop down menu and looked at my notes I took back in November when I used V907a successfully, everything is set the same way as it was before. Any ideas as to why this is happening? or what I should be double checking?
PS..thanks for the e-mail...the main address works, so I think.
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Post by Matt »

Hey Dan

What exact error message are you getting?

Are you uploading to the romulator a NIStune ROM image? I might need to send you an updated ROM file with the latest version (Rev12)

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Post by Dan-TSS »

Down in the left hand corner of the screen it states that it isn't connected.
When I click the button, it goes through it's cycle of attempting but doesn't connect.
The Nistune ROM image I am uploading is the last one I was using when I was tuning back in November 2006.
*Please laugh if you feel the need to, as I am not as smart with this stuff as I should be...
I have the car running with the romulator connected as it always was currently...I assume that it is the same tune that I left off with, as I have not altered it any since I last plugged in. When I connect to the romulator....I am using what I believe is the last version of the tune I had....however I'm curious because I cannot see any of the information yet through Nistune due to the inability to get connected.
Could have I made a mistake in my notes regarding the configuration table settings?
Anyways..I guess it wouldn't hurt to send me the info and I'll try to use that specific ROM image.(rev 12)
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Post by Matt »

Hey Dan

What you can try is

1. Test the Romulator out first

Plugged directly into the ECU (not via the NIStune board) and using the supplied Romulator software from Intronics. See if you can connect to the Romulator using their software

Their software is available on this page plus a FAQ. Ensure that you are grounding the romulator to your laptop as per this page. Otherwise it is likely it wont connect

2. Next test the Romulator with NIStune ... see if connects with our software after confirming you connected with their software

3. Next plug in the Romulator into the NIStune board and then test again with our software. Should auto connect if the above two steps worked

I'll email you an updated ROM file too... but lets check the first steps

Once the above is good, you can upload the updated ROM to the romulator and hopefully get a USB Consult connection

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Post by Dan-TSS »

Well, I am able to see what is in ROM with the pocket romulator, therefore I know that I am able to connect. I don't know enough to say what the stuff in hex means with-out studying for hours, but I know that the pocket romulator software connects with-out a problem.
The Nistune software does autto detect properly and connect.
When I click Consult, it reads in the bottom left corner....
"Auto Find Consult(): Conecting to COM4 attempt 1"
then changes to read:
"Consult not Conected! Com2:used Com4:spare"

*Even if I flip the connctors around on the laptop...I still get the same message but with the message regarding the Com Ports being switched to match the change.

I have the standard "Consult" checked in the configuration table....If I try to change it to USB gives me an error message staing to re-install the drivers. I believe the std. consult selection is the proper one for me to be using..I dunno.

Jason84na2t and Bernard got me up and running for the most part when I first got going with this stuff. Mostly Jason. Bernard talked me through many hours of phone call conversations teaching me what he had learned thus far with the tuning aspect/software of Nistune.
**I really wish I could just spend another hour or so with Nistune back the way it was with the "now outdated" software version 907a. It was working perfect for what I needed to use it for, back before I had to go through the winter season and a turbo upgrade. I have a car that I MUST get tuned a little closer before being finished with it and the deadline is FAST approaching.

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Post by Dan-TSS »

Russ84NA wrote:Dan,
The version .907 you were using was put out in mid January I believe.
At the end of January a new set up was introduced. I'm pretty sure this is your problem. Go to the download site and get the NTprogram set up. Then you will need the new adress files that go with the version you have. You have Rev 1 with the Romulator don't you? I can send you the address files if you can't find them. Then you should be good to go.

Good to hear from you, it's been awhile.
Yes Russ, I have a non-NVRAM version. Good to hear from you too!
I just wish I could get back to where I was when I had everything working in late November.(I'm filing bankruptcy and I really, really need to get this last car tuned before I hand the car over....I'd hate to hand over a non running car for what the gentleman has spent in modifications so far! I have about a week left now before he needs the car back and before I need to make the car disappear from my possession.) The software was working and I was tuning. I had to stop because of the Snow and the fact that I I needed to upgrade the turbo. Many months past by and when I went to go start the car back up this spring.....I noticed that when I shut down my laptop...I left the Nistune program "open" so all worked like it did, connecting and the ability to tune, when I re connected the battery to the car this spring and fired the car up again for the first couple times. I got the car re-inpected here in NY and shut down the laptop, closing Nistune out before hand and that is when I lost the ability to connect because of the software "timing-out". I then tried to download a new version of the software only to find that I couldn't register, so I e-mailed Matt and he sent me new registery info and a new Key#.(I later found out that I was using my fisrt and last name when entering the name for registering the software...when I was only supposed to use my first name....ooops, sorry Matt!)
I have recieved a new main image in an e-mail from Matt thinking that would be the solve-all to my problems, but it wasn't.


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Post by Russ84NA »

I still think the problem is that you are using old address and rom files. As I said before, in late January Matt changed the way the system worked.
Go back and start over.
Download the NTprogram set up 1.02 then download the latest version of Nistune .9018. Use the Address file for the type 1 rev 1/2. It would be in the 16K file I think Z31_VG30_128_E should work for you. Then use the bin file that you were using from the list or the one Matt sent you.

I am trying to remember the problems I was have about that time and I think this is what I had to do to get everything to work.

I will be home on Friday and Sunday if you need to call me. 937-307-8630

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Post by Matt »

The Nistune software does autto detect properly and connect
- I assume you are talking about the 'Emulator' connect working. This is good
- So you should be able to 'upload' the .bin file to the romulator? Does that work? If so you are half way there
If I try to change it to USB gives me an error message staing to re-install the drivers. I believe the std. consult selection is the proper one for me to be using..I dunno.
- No ... you should be using USB consult. If you are getting an error message to upgrade the drivers... you need to upgrade the drivers!

Here is the document on this... ... rivers.pdf
- Consult is for later model nissan vehicles. I have updated the descriptions of these fields in the latest software version

Okay I have put something else together for you once the drivers have been updated .. ... tartup.pdf

This is a summary of how things work with the romulator/NIStune board that you have. This is the same board and romulator as you have. I have upgraded the USB drivers and am using the same address file and ROM image which has been emailed to you (I've sent the 1988 SS bin file this time)

Once you get USB recognised, I think it should be okay from there. I've emailed you my phone number if you need to contact me.

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Post by Dan-TSS »

Excellent....those are "My kinda tutorials(PICTORIALS)". I followed the steps, got it to connect, even managed to load to the romulator my last tune I was working on and had saved.
Everything works as it did, but with many enhancements since I last used NisTune!
Great Job!...I like the additions to the software.
I tested, did a log, and all is good.
:idea: *My next small feat is to finish where I left off with the tuning(should only be about another hour or so of logging/adjusting), then I will be attempting to figure out the whole "pull the info/tune from the pocket romulator and burn a chip with the pocket programer". I plan to place this completed tune into another ecu that has been socketed as a permanent tune.
Any one willing to place thier bets that I'll find a way to screw something up or get stuck through that process?(The bet that I'll have troubles is a sure winner!)
^^Now if only there was a wonder descriptive pdf. showing me step by step...hehe(pictures make for saving thousands of words and mistakes)
Thank you very, very much Matt. Your service/assistance with my difficulties has been 101% great!

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Post by Dan-TSS »

Well...I've got another small issue.
*I am able to get the emulator to connect and then USB consult as well, but I noticed something when I attempted to log and make a change to the fuel table:
I was using successfully, a main image I saved back in November 2006, and when I went to change a few fuel table cells up in a high load column....I noticed that when I restarted the engine, I had a bad lean idle and the engine wasn't running at all like it was. I also go an error message when I connected using the emulator button on Nistune.
*It said Error, wrong parameter. I clicked OK and it still connected.
Should I copy all my changes to that Z31_VG30ET_26P00_1988SS_nt main image?

On a side note, when I record a log...I usually pull off the side of the road and stop the log recording. Then I review it, make my changes and re-connect through the steps of clicking the emulator button and then the usb consult. I then start the car and do another log to see the results.
I am not doing anything with any buttons under the operations drop down button or any of the other buttons in the middle of the top of the NisTune screen.
*I mention this just in case there is something that I might be doing wrong with my methods of tuning and making changes. :roll:
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Post by Matt »

Hi Dan

Yes copy your changes into the Z31_VG30ET_26P00_1988SS_nt image

You can do this by

1. Keeping the 1988SS image in the romulator
2. Then loading your previous tuned map into NIStune (main image)
3. Do a PC-ECU sync which will upload your tuned maps into the romulator

In the same way, you can download just the maps from the romulator to any EPROM image you wish to save using ECU-PC sync

As far as logging goes, seems to be reasonable the way you are doing things. The logging will automatically save a new log each time you reconnect, and hit record
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