cell flag checkbox in maps?
Moderator: Matt
cell flag checkbox in maps?
What about not relying on keyboard shortcuts, but allowing them to be an extension of functionality right there in the forefront? I for example see the knock checkbox on the bottom and instinctively assumed that means that cell has the knock flag... so why doesn't it? Why not rename it to something like "highlight knock activity" and put checkboxes or buttons or similar indicating the currently highlighted cells applicable flags? o2... knock... etc?
Re: cell flag checkbox in maps?
Could do the right click option on the cell
As for checkboxes the description field size is limited so I have to shorten them
As for checkboxes the description field size is limited so I have to shorten them
Re: cell flag checkbox in maps?
Checkboxes are moved to right click context menus
However not putting flag change options as right click at this time since too might right clicking to adjust each cell. Easlier to select a bunch of cells and hit 'O' or 'K'
However not putting flag change options as right click at this time since too might right clicking to adjust each cell. Easlier to select a bunch of cells and hit 'O' or 'K'