0.9107 bugs

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0.9107 bugs

Post by ByReaL »

i have few bugs to submit, more details/pictures will be provided when i'll get my laptop connected to internet.

1) i have an image saved on my laptop a bin file, i have same image uploaded in the ECU, i connect to the ecu, try to adjust the setings, and i received a message that the image from the ECU is not the same as the image on my laptop...

2) TP and Inj are not displayed in the Injection/ignition table (rpm, afr .... are working but TP and inj time do not work)

3 and 4) post them later when i'll get to my laptop
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Post by Matt »

No probs.

(1) New Feature:

Even if you know you have kind the same ROM image as previously uploaded to your ECU....

On each connection to consult, NIStune does not know this.... you could swap files or even ECUs since last connection

So for each upload if it detects a potential sychonisation problem will ask you to resync before letting you make any changes

This is because that there needs to be verification that what you are changing is actually matching the ECU. Syncing forces you to make sure the changes are the same on both sides. It is for safety.

You can sync to the ECU or from the ECU and then it will allow you to continue with realtime updates.

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Post by ByReaL »

here are the attachements

on bug2.jpg you can see TPS not beeing displayed

on bug 3.jpg you can see the graph beein way out of the scale

Ahh... i rembered also the last one

in the wideband aux1_2_3_4.csv files first line is the name of the Gauge, but i could not see anywere in the software the text writen by me in the first line of the config files

and on bug1.jpg you can see also injection and timing not beeing displayed
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Post by Matt »

ensure your address file is updated to use the following... regarding the display offset issue

the idle timing map offset is different for 2D maps. the cells will still show as raw values, but if you File-Configuration-View Filtered tables then you will see the above offset applied to the grid cells also (but cant modify them then)
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Post by Matt »

TP and Inj are not displayed in the Injection/ignition table
this hasn't been implemented yet. i've just made space for it on the window. needs to interpolate the 4 cells to get the inj

Aux 1-6 on this grid display are static. But other windows should update... will investigate (PR raised)

TPS should be working for CA18... PR raised

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Post by ByReaL »

on consult display gauges, you display the max value, what i noticed is that in timing gauge the max is always 110, maybe it will be nice to display min and max, but also offer the posibility to reset them
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Post by Matt »

no probs. PR raised on timing

separate enhancement PR raised for consult guage minimum/reset
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