lock to cell

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lock to cell

Post by kenbam »

Hi all, new here.
I have in the past had some experience with motec, one of the features i liked about the motec was that if you hit the space bar it would lock to the active cell and you could make alterations even if the parameters for fuel and load had moved out of that range. Allows you to make changes on the fly for lean spots and pinging and so on. I havent been able to find a shortcut key for this and was wondering if it does exist and if not, can it be implemented.
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Post by Matt »

I think I've got what you're saying... when the maptrace cursor is floating around the screen you hit the space bar and then the editing cursor moves to where the maptrace cursor was

Let me know if that is correct. I can implement that but currently the space bar is used for marking cells, so perhaps ENTER key could be used for this?

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Post by kenbam »

Yep, thats exactly it.

Probably not the correct place, but several times today, while connected to the ECU, it comes up with checksum errors and all tables and maps disappear. The only way i can get it back is to shut down and restart nistune. Any ideas or am i doing something wrong?
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Post by Matt »

We noticed this issue with the older BlaZt cables which seemed to introduce comms errors. They then dropped the USB chip they were using and use the FTDI one like the PLMS USB cables now used

I noticed from your email that you were using "one of peters units (NEWKLEER)"

So was that a NEWKLEER cable then from PLMS design?

Some cables designs have problems with clock noise getting into the cable.

NIStune performs checks against data sent/received to ensure integrity of data. If it detects a problem then it will let you know with an error like you were getting

However you shouldn't under normal circumstances need to restart. I'll raise it as a bug item to look into

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Post by kenbam »

It is one of Newkleer's data displays, plugs into the ALDL and displays the active data, not peter from PLMS. Also has the serial cable output from the display to plug into the laptop. I may invest in a USB cable.
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