fuel maps and closing interface

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fuel maps and closing interface

Post by kenbam »

First up, i cannot get my fuel map to show up. Either from ecu or from stored file. Everything else opens up, but no fuel map or table. Secondly, i received my cable from peter, but the problem i mentioned to matt the other day is still happening, loads all data from ecu then everything dissapears. Have to close down nistune, restart and then it just closes again. I have enclosed a screen dump of what i am left with after it closes. Tried activating debug log but it just closed before i could do anything. Any ideas.
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Post by Matt »

Very strange...

1. What version of the software are you using (Help - About). Try sticking with 9.109

2. Open NIStune without loading anything else. File - Configure - Debug logging

3. Close and restart NIStune (Logging is now activated)

4. RB20 address file seems to be loaded from your screenshot... this is good

5. File - Configure - Make sure Consult Type = Extended Consult

6. Click Connect to consult. It should download the consult table from the ECU (from screenshot appears to be doing this).

- Do you get a table indicating the consult registers?
- Does consult stay connected (red) at this time?
- Do you get an ECU ID and patch revision displayed?

7. After clicking okay on cconsult table (if you get this far) then do you get a list of all the tables you can click? Please post screenshot

8. Is it only fuel table you dont get? What about timing? If it is only fuel table, what if you use Window - Tile does it show then?

Next send the debug log through... saved in C:\Program Files\NIStune\logs

ZIP then up and email to the enquiries address I will have a look at them asap (please note I'm on holidays Friday-Monday this long weekend) but can look at them afterwards for you and help resolve the issue

Other thing to try... does clicking Tuner Mode to change to Stream Mode make any difference to connectivity? This makes NIStune read consult like NissanDataScan

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Post by kenbam »

would seem i fixed it. Simply completely uninstalled it, reinstalled and it hasnt given me a problem. Thanks.
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Post by Matt »

It sounds like a bad display location was left in your registry for the map windows, so it never appeared when you clicked on it. This is why cascade/tiling the windows may have helped

Code usually detects invalid window locations and put the window to the default location, but appears that it didn't pick up the window in your case

Reinstalling would have deleted all the window location settings so they use defaults again. Let me know if it happens again

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Post by kenbam »

will do. thanks. Have a good long weekend
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Post by Matt »

You too! Hopefully your comms is also better when you use the PLMS consult cable

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Post by kenbam »

Got it yesterday, all ran smoothly today....

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Post by kenbam »

Matt, it is still doing it, if i uninstall then reinstall it works ok for awhile, then it will just shut down. Everything except labels across top of program disappear and it states the consult has disconnected. I have 2 log files i'll attach. New version 0.9110 seems to have a problem centering the 3d ignition map in the window, seem to sit to low. I deleted some of the logs to make file size smaller.
This one was just doin a log playback, fuel map wouldnt open, neither the table or 3d map
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this one was were is just closes down, all that is left open is like the screen capture in my first post.
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Post by Matt »

Thanks. I'll have a look to see if anything in there.

Can you remember if there is anything in particular that you did which might have caused it? Or does it just stop opening windows when you use the software a particular time
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Post by Matt »

found this... that is not good

08:01:28.984 CMapView::DrawMap - encountered invalid pDC->m_hDC pointer

Can you please do the following for me:

Enter 'regedit' as program to run

Naviagate in this program to
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NIStune Developments\NIStune

Right click on NIStune and select 'export'

Save file as 'NIStune.reg' and email that file to to enquiries address

I can then look at the window values to see what you are getting so I can see it here too

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Post by kenbam »

Done, but as stated in email, i just had to reinstal it again, so its working fine for the moment. Could it have anything to do with the fact that my wife uses the laptop as well, different log on. Opening task manager shows both of us having open programs as we are both log on, just switching users.
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Post by Matt »

that might have something to do with it. i'll add another user on my system and see if i can replicate.

so nistune software is running whilst switching users?

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Post by kenbam »

no, never, only start it when i need to use it.

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Post by kenbam »


Did it again, couldnt load fuel map or table, but also could open the injection multiplier window. I have zipped the log file and also the registery file that you requested before.
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Post by Matt »

thanks. i'll have a look through them. i've removed your file after downloading because it has your registration info in it
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