1993 Altima KA24DET

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1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by gtobyd »

So I have had Nistune software for the past 2 months and it's working great with 2 of my 3 Nissans. It's working great with my S14 SR20DET as well as my S14 KA24DET. All 3 cars have Calumsult boards in them and the Altima and S14 SR20DET are the RTv2 boards..... Nistune loads and picks the correct ADR files for the S14 cars but everytime it picks the ADR for the Altima the bin goes all crazy..... so I have browsed thru and found one that seems to work (U13_KA24DE_512_LATE.adr).... But here's the deal, my car and ECU is one if the first built (production date on car October of 1992)....

Nistune won't recognize my ECU when it's connected and I can't do anything with the modified bin. I can upload and down load bins using EmUtility and modify the bins with TunerPro. But the whole reason I purchased Nistune was for ease of tuning and data logging. I have set the Consult Port setting to port 3 and selected Calumsult under the Board type drop down box.... this works on both S14s and not the Altima.

The Altima is the more extreme of the 3 cars with a GT35R, 850cc injectors, N62 Maf, built motor and ported Head .... I have a raw tune in it right now which is only 7psi. I will be running it at 18-20psi once I am able to get data logging working and I'm able to stream info. It's already faster then the SR20DET which has a t3/t4 50 trim at 15psi.... and is as fast as the S14 KA24DET which is running a Holset HX35 at 15psi....

Any help would be more than appreciated....!! These are the XDF and BIN I have been using to get the Altima going. It's the original unmodified BIN.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSF3g ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSF3g ... sp=sharing

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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by Matt »

This is a new part number which is not covered in the software (each part number is matched to an address file, it also has built in definitions for the consult table location and TP)

As you mentioned the U13 KA24DE Late address file seems to work but if you connect to consult and it is messed up that is because these definitons may be different. To get around this try using 'stream mode' to get consult working (but TP still wont work). I will have to add another definition for it
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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by Matt »

Actually consult table is in the right place (0x9210) as the others

When you say "Nistune won't recognize my ECU when it's connected and I can't do anything with the modified bin"

What are the exact errors you are getting? Is it uploading okay?

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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by gtobyd »

Thanks for the quick response Matt.

When I connect the USB cable from the ECU to my laptop Nistune will not recognize my ECU at all. Correction to that statement....ONE TIME it connected and had the "name" of the board where it would normally state "NOT CONNECTED" on the Nistune software. It stated something like 27fhjdafnl-XXXXX (not the actual name but it started with a 27*) then the software attempted to download the rom image the stated it disconnected. one time out of about 90 tries. If I can get another connection I'll be able to give you the ECU name an maybe that's the problem. It's not part of you ADRs you have on file or ECU names the software recognizes.

or here's a thought.... could the USB cable be bad? I will check for continuity on the cable today and see if for some reason it bad. But on the flip side if it WAS bad, why would I be able to load bins without issue yet not talk thru the same cable for consult?

I'm off work today so I will play with it once it's above freeze....... I live in Florida and its NOT SUPPOSE TO BE THIS COLD HERE!!!

will post images if I can get a screen shot

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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by gtobyd »

With the ADR file I stated I was using I am able to modify the BIN I have from the original to the setup I now have. Your software is working good as far as being able to adjust the tables and BIN... but I just can't talk to the ECU with the software and have to use EmUtility to upload the BIN to the Daughterboard...... That's what I meant by: "I can't do anything with the modified bin"

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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by gtobyd »

Hey Matt....

I uninstalled everything for a 4th time.... BUT this time someone turned me on to a program called FTClean. I reinstalled all the software, then ran FTClean which completely wipes out ANY FTDI drivers located in the computer.

I then connected the ECU and it recognized that I was needing to install need hardware and I let if download the drivers from windows and BAM! its working. There must have been a conflict with the drivers somewhere that was not showing up under Properties tab.... Nistune, Calumsult, Logworks and 2 other softwares installed all had FTDI drivers loaded.... once I wiped them all off the computer and let it install ONLY the drivers for my board it is running perfectly so far..... So now that I can communicate with you software and the ECU is there anything I can download and send you that would help for a future update??



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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by gtobyd »

NVM..... I tried to connect the laptop this morning and it wont connect AGAIN!!!! GRRRRRR!!! I'm going to replace the USB cable Calum originally supplied with the unit and cross my fingers. HOPEFULLY that will fix the problem


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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by gtobyd »

Made a new USB cable for the Calumsult Daughterboard and still cannot connect. I tried a second laptop that I installed the drivers fresh with no other software other than ECUTalk and same issue! oh where oh where is the mysterious Calum when he's needed?!?!
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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by Matt »

When I connect the USB cable from the ECU to my laptop Nistune will not recognize my ECU at all
I assume you mean here that the emualtor part of Nistune cannot connect?
but I just can't talk to the ECU with the software and have to use EmUtility to upload the BIN to the Daughterboard
Okay so you have ticked the emulator as 'calumsult' under File > Configuration?
Nistune cannot connect to emulator, but Emutility can?
BUT this time someone turned me on to a program called FTClean. I reinstalled all the software, then ran FTClean which completely wipes out ANY FTDI drivers located in the computer.
Yes some of the old drivers may have conflicts/issues with the Ostrich emulator
Nistune, Calumsult, Logworks and 2 other softwares installed all had FTDI drivers loaded
Nistune uses its own version of FTDI drivers. We have the latest version in 1.0

Once the uploaded image is okay then consult (ecu talk etc) should communicate with Nistune. If this goes bad then the ECU is in limp mode and you cannot communicate with consult
Made a new USB cable for the Calumsult Daughterboard and still cannot connect. I tried a second laptop that I installed the drivers fresh with no other software other than ECUTalk and same issue! oh where oh where is the mysterious Calum when he's needed?!?!
Recheck your ROM is uploaded correctly, ECU is not in limp mode (no CEL/LED in ECU when engine running). If in limp mode then consult will not connect

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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by gtobyd »

Matt wrote:I assume you mean here that the emualtor part of Nistune cannot connect?
This is correct. The emultor part nor consult is connecting

Okay so you have ticked the emulator as 'calumsult' under File > Configuration?
Nistune cannot connect to emulator, but Emutility can?
Nistune uses its own version of FTDI drivers. We have the latest version in 1.0
Once the uploaded image is okay then consult (ecu talk etc) should communicate with Nistune. If this goes bad then the ECU is in limp mode and you cannot communicate with consult

Recheck your ROM is uploaded correctly, ECU is not in limp mode (no CEL/LED in ECU when engine running). If in limp mode then consult will not connect
Nope the ECU is not in limp mode and runs great! Calum built into the RTv2 board a simple why of telling if the ROM didn't upload. When the ignition is turned on the radiator fans turn onto HI without the car started. Plus I have no CEL on the dash and the LED on the ECU flashes all is well when you turn the knob inside.

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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by Matt »

So consult connectivity (when ECU not in limp) appears to be intermittent with Nistune (as well as other consult programs?)

Perhaps there is an issue with the calumsult board itself? Not sure what else it could be if the ROM is fine

Nistune drivers are only used with PLMS, Type 1 and Base image programmer. Our drivers will not be used with the FTDI default drivers used with calumsult

Radiator fans going are part of the Nissan ECU going limp (in addition to CEL and still LED in ECU when engine running)

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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by gtobyd »

That is my thought as well. I have attempted to contact Calum but we will see if he replies. It's been 4 yrs since we last spoke and I know he has moved to Illinois if I recall. So we will see. In the worse case I'll just order a consult cable and stream thru the factory DLC. I am gonna try one thing though this afternoon. I'm gonna load a stock bin on it and see if it reads, if it does then I'll know something is happening when I modify the bin to make consult stop
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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by Matt »

Any part of diagnosis is trying to either work out what went wrong (trace steps) or get to a working point and then add changes in

What I suggest is jumpering the ECU to run from internal ROM (not from the calum board) then test the consult functionality out.

If that doesnt work check the drivers. I think he used FTDI 2232 which is dual serial ports. One for emulation, and the other for consult over the one USB cable

If that fails, then try an external consult cable (at this point effectively you would not use the calumsult board). If using an external cable you may need to disconnect the TX/RX/CLK lines from the calumsult board

Once you get consult working stable then jumper ECU to use the calumsult emulation again and upload a stock image. Get that consistent and then you can try your own bins afterwards

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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by UNISA JECS »

You know one of my friends has a calum ECU in his P11 G20 like mines and its just about impossible for me to use Nistune on it to, its very intermittent and crashes all the time.
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Re: 1993 Altima KA24DET

Post by Matt »

All crash reports in Nistune which could be identified have been fixed in the 1.0 release. Intermittent issues is a different story. If there were any firmware issues in the board then that could cause problems. Sending an ECU here is the best way to check it out of course, but debug log files help too
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