z32 knock sensors

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z32 knock sensors

Post by fikemoo »

Hello there guys, up until this point we have had the standard rb25det knock sensors disconnected, as from advice from matt they can sometimes be to sensitive and pick up ghosting and switch maps etc, the idea is use a z32 knock sensor (donut style) and get an adapter so it fits the rb25 block, with the 8bit ecu using the z32 sensor does anybody have results of how this will work? using one sensor? Using two?

As with discussion with my mapper and the state of tune the car is progressing towards, running no knock detection is madness
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Re: z32 knock sensors

Post by Matt »

If the car is tuned well with a margin for safety then you can run without knock detection in the ecu. PowerFC for example only has an indicator (CEL) but no timing retard as far as I am aware

R32/R33 ecus use a knock detection board with the hose style sensors. Simple narrowband frequency filter and then ecu pulls timing and if too much knock then switches maps

Z32/SR ECUs use the donut sensor and have voltage level tables which are monitored against the sensor for each cylinder and if knock goes above these tables threshold then the same thing as RBs with timing dropped and then switch maps

The different setups mean Z32 ECU cant use RB sensors. Only single sensor Z32 but twin sensors RB so not sure how you would bolt this in. Using R32 ECU with knock detect and new VCT firmware is an alternative

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Re: z32 knock sensors

Post by fikemoo »

The plan is modifying the thread that goes in the rb block, the connector itself by chopping the hose off you are left with the thread and a flat bit of metal and using the surviving metal drill and tap that to the 8mm thread that is needed and bolt the donut style sensor on top of that, we cant see at the moment why this wouldnt work, we understand we can only use one and this willll be put on 4,5 and 6 as 5 and 6 are the cylinders prone to go


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Re: z32 knock sensors

Post by fikemoo »

Ive uploaded a photo so you can see as my explanation might not be the best haha


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Re: z32 knock sensors

Post by fikemoo »

unfortunately i don't have a picture of the finished article but the z32 style donut fits on to the block in the original place now, we tested this by using a bosch style det can when we was mapping the car yesterday, all there is to do is wire in a z32 knock sensor for the ecu now :)
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Re: z32 knock sensors

Post by Matt »

Good work!
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