i was investigating why my timing was jumping during load replay (CA18DET), and i found it went out of the timing map definition when the tps switch is closed.
After reading the instructions (and the mouse hint) i understood it is supposed to use the idle/Deceleration Timing vs rpm map.
But it does not; my timing read 22° at 2675 rpm in the replay, which is way below the approx 40 the regular timing map uses, and also way below the idle/decel timing table which should alo be around 40.
Any idea ?
I have another timing issue where my timing is pulled to a lower value than timing and knock timing map during boost. The map says it shoud be aroud 30, yet it goes around 5° lower.
I am still using an unupdated board, it should be updated sometimes next week (i hope my tuner has a base programmer)
edit: this pulled timing problem shows here:
It gets pulled to 26 while it should be 29 or 30; then it raises. I have no knock board and using e85.