I just compared the base image of a S14A and a S15 (FP) and there is a crazy difference in timing, i thought they were the same engine type?!
Could anyone explain this?
Moderator: Matt
The crazy thing is im tuning a friends S13 with the 50F00 ECU and the walk path at 9-10psi with stock turbo, maf, injectors stock base image is LOAD TP 56 which is no where near column 16 (104), now is something wrong with the ECU lol so how can we be sure those S14 and S15 walk paths are at column 16? Is this something we know for fact, cause that would change a whole lot of my thinking lol I actually made another thread on this hoping someone could answer now im real curious, seems like that ECU has premeditated built in room for growth.PL wrote:Yeah good question. Short answer is that nobody but Nissan knows. Often what happens is that the car is released with Rev A of the tune. Then as they get customers actually using the local fuel and reporting back with stories of knock and broken engines they start tweaking the tune. So Rev B often has less timing to cater for dodgy fuel. Or in case of Australia - dodgy fuel, hot climate and brainless drivers.
Check the S13 SR20DET maps 50F00 and 50F01. You'll see the maps are very similar except the later one is richer and they removed some timing in the last column. Smacks of anti-detonation tweaking to me!
What I have noticed is that S15's tend to be knock monsters. Has anyone else seen this? I've got lots of local cars that just won't take timing. I've discussed this with other tuners locally and they all agree but nobody knows why. They look the same as S14a but the S15 seems to detonate earlier. Maybe change to combustion chamber design? Anyone know?