Start without admin privileges

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Start without admin privileges

Post by tim_tub »


I have two user accounts on my everyday PC.
One admin account and on standard user(not admin) and I always run everything as the standard user for an extra layer of safety.

When I ran the NIStune and ROM installation on this PC I pushed "next, next, next" as always :roll: it then placed all the files in the documents folder for the admin account and not in a "global" folder so every time I start NIStune without admin privileges this pops up:
NisTune - Start without admin privileges.png
(4.55 KiB) Downloaded 1830 times
One solution to this is now to run NIStune with admin privileges from my std. user account but I would prefer if the standard installation option enabled NIStune to be started without admin privileges.

Also a bonus bug that I noticed.
When I push the lower "Comp" X button to remove an image from the list the image name stays in the list until I select it in the first list but I can see that Nistune actually drops the image in the background if I have compare enabled.
NisTune - Remove image.png
(9.03 KiB) Downloaded 1830 times
And I am using V1.2.84
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Re: Start without admin privileges

Post by Matt »

Nistune was originally developed under Windows 98 and then Windows XP before people really used multiple accounts etc. So there are probably some things that need changing to handle installation under non-administration accounts

Fortunately the registry keys are saved under HKEY_CURRENT_USER which is good, but the paths used by the installer may need amending for current user (rather than it appears admin user)

So it should be <currentuser>/Documents/Nistune/Translation rather than <adminuser>/Documents/Nistune/Translation

Report raised

Other issue is a minor fix (refresh combo list box after X is pressed) so I'll quick fix that one

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Re: Start without admin privileges

Post by tim_tub »

What do you think about this scenario with the <currentuser>:

User1 = Admin
User2 = Standard user

Installs Nistune logged in as User2 and the translation files then ends up in "User2/Documents/Nistune/Translation".
If I then log in as User1 do I need to manually copy the translations from "User2/Documents/Nistune/Translation" to "User1/Documents/Nistune/Translation" to get it to work?

I don't know if this could work but if you put a instance of the translation folder in like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nistune\translation" then it would work with all users?
And if you want the translations to be user specific you could have a override translation folder in <currentuser>/Documents/Nistune/Translation.

I don't want you to do a ton of work for this but that was just some thoughts
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Re: Start without admin privileges

Post by Matt »

You can manually do that folder move if you wish
I don't know if this could work but if you put a instance of the translation folder in like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nistune\translation" then it would work with all users?
Program Files if off limits. Microsoft updated their security a while ago to prevent access to the Program files folder from applications (especially non-admin users)

Even if I did this with the translation files, it will affect VQ Maps, Wideband and other folders which also use the Docs/Nistune folder
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Re: Start without admin privileges

Post by Matt »

Further investigation into this

Inno Setup is what I use for installs

I've tried dropping the privileges from admin to superuser or lowest. It will then allow installation under a non-admin user but then gets a permissions write error when attempting to Program Files (even if I run as admin). So I cannot change that part

The setup must be run under admin then.

The next issue registry key section (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) is installed as admin. This is normal. You do not want to install as USERA and then USERB and have USERA overwriting USERB items (particurly if USERA is admin!)

Problem is even manually fixing the Translation.ini file then it will not find the registry keys setup when ADMIN was run. See if I can fix that bit
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