LED on, full fans and no consult connection

Nistune topics related specifically to the 6303 cpu

Moderator: Matt

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LED on, full fans and no consult connection

Post by zimzoom_14 »

Hi Matt
I have copied a post from 2010 as im now having the exact issues...
I have installed the factory chip before, and the computer will connect to the car, but obviously can only read parameters. The ECU was already chipped when I bought the car so I know the 28 pin connector is installed properly. When I put the Nistune board in, I cannot connect to the car. I didn't bother to start the car if it wouldn't connect. One thing that happens when I put the board in and turn the key to ON is the electric fan on the radiator/condensor comes on, without the car running. If i put in another ECU i can connect to consult fine.
I actually have been using NT fine for a few days and enjoying tuning it...but when i wanted to reinstall it correctly back under carpet this situation arose. I suspected dicky loom connections, but i still get ecu fail, and full fans with the ecu loose without stressing the loom.
How did you resolve this back then?
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Re: LED on, full fans and no consult connection

Post by Matt »

I'm a bit confused with part of the post you copied from 2010

If currently you have the radiator fans on/no consult then you are in limp mode

If you put the factory chip in and the CPU connector is correct way and still a problem, then it sounds like either your board is corrupted or damaged

I would need the board posted here to check and reprogram/repair. I would probably upgrade to feature pack firmware whilst you are at it

If you only got the fail when moving the ECU/loom I wonder if an electrical issue triggered the problem? Please confirm. Might be best to email me directly info@nistune.com
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