On the downloads page there is now a programming install package
This will extract to a folder all the ROM (.bin) files we have for Nissan ECUs. Those who use emulators, can use those files
It also contains ENT files which are used with a NIStune programmer for reprogramming boards
There has been an update made tonight in version 1.1 to this to fix a problem with Type 2 boards the recent addition of PIN locking (address access error)
Type 3/4 boards do not have PIN locking enabled yet in their ENT files but I will be gradually updating and testing them and will put that up in the next package
PIN locking is available from the Operations menu currently for Type 1 Rev14 and now Type 2 Rev 14 boards. It will prevent SYNC of maps to/from the ECU until the correct pin has been entered
Programmer ROM/ENT Package
Moderator: Matt