*Please Help* MAF Sensor

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*Please Help* MAF Sensor

Post by Ashley »

First off thanks to Matt for the great nistune software.

I can safely say now that I have Maxed my stock MAF a long time ago anyway I bought a New MAF on a bit of an impulse and I think I may have screwed up and lost a lot of cash

The Maf was said to be from a 3.0 V6 Nissan Maxima the part numbers are:

serial: 22680 1W900

Please , Please tell me there is a VQ map for this and that I can wire it in.
I have gone through the Auto Maf selection window and I am not sure what VG30 MAF I should select.
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Post by Matt »

I did a google search on that part number
22680-1w900 \ afh70-14a AIRFLOW air flow meter nissan \ pathfainder 2001
Says its a path finder on that list?!

Unfortunately dont have any more info than that on the part number unless you start trying Nissan FAST to hunt it down (I've never used that software yet)

You can try the J30 Maxima VQ Map to start with and fine tune your Injection Multiplier (K constant) and see how that goes with the fuel map all set to 0 (14.7:1). Watch the wideband and see if it stays around that AFR with the O2 feedback disabled to check the calibration of the VQ curve

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Post by Ashley »

Thanks Matt.

One more question on your website somewhere there was a wiring guide to most MAF sensors. I can seem to find it can you post the link for me?
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Post by Matt »

have a look at the software manual. I threw most of the information from that site into the AFM chapter

there is a link in there to the AFM page too

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Post by Ashley »


I have a little more information on the MAF , I hoping you guys can help me wire it in and get the correct VQ

Diameter: 75mm
Sensor: AFM and AIT
Pins: 4 pins out marked A B C D

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Post by Matt »

http://paulr33.skylinesaustralia.com/di ... iring.html

On this page is the wiring for the most common AFM types. It doesnt include the maxima however.

Without experimenting, it is hard to know exactly what the pinouts should be. You can workout ground by buzzing against the inside of the AFM chasis. But I dont know where you would work out which is signal and 12v without applying power or trying to get the factory service manual for this. If you get it wrong and put 12V into the signal output then you will most likely damage the AFM

As for the VQ map, if it is a Maxima then try the J30 to begin with but the part number from the page I saw said it was a maxima and we have no information on that :cry:

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Post by Brett »

i did a search on FAST and for a J30 model (im guessing maxima?) vehicle it said for VG30 afm the p/n is 22680-16v00.
Which also goes into rb20's.
I also searched for 22680-1w900 and said p/n not listed.
I only have up to 2001 and alot of it in another language.
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Post by Matt »

Thanks for looking that up in FAST. At this stage it looks like pathfinder is most likely the AFM that Ashley has

Fortunately I have just found a pathfinder binary someone sent me last year! Found the VQ map for it at 7A70

Havent got a hex editor here at the moment but I'll extract this out and update the AFM definiton directory for you. No idea what the HP reading is for these, so you will need to manually work out K constant for it

In regards to the AFM working properly, you should get a voltage reading between 0 - 5 volts which increases as you blow air through it. Check the AFM gauge in NIStune to check this is working so you can ensure you have correct connections

I'll update this thread when I get the files tonight
Pathfinder 92 patrol ECU ROM
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Post by Matt »

please unzip the following to your VQ maps NIStune subdirectory
Updated VQ map definition including pathfinder
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Post by Ashley »

Hi Matt...

I am going to be a little bold here but I think there is something wrong with the above VQ Map. First off the size does not match the other VQ maps and when you attempt to import it over any .bin file nistune returns a read error also the VQ graph is turned into what looks like a saw blade if you attempt to import again nistune seems to think its a 300ZX Maf and my car will not start then but the VQ map looks correct it also picks my .bin file up as having no HP value, I have tried this on two version of nistune

Also are the TTP min and TTP max values correct on the Ca18det bin’s and I am really worried that I am destroying my motor with this VQ issue is there a site or link you can reference me to on how to extract the VQ maps? What hex editor to use and where the location is? I will then post my extracted VQ on the forum for examination.

I am also having a few problems getting the type 1 board to accept any new maps even if I tell it to copy from the laptop to the board and then select burn it will keep the default map on not over-right any tables I have selected to copy but this is a separate matter and is just an annoyance
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Post by Matt »

sorry. It was really late when I got though everything last night to look at this

I've attached an update. Extract to c:\Program Files\NIStune\VQMaps directory

Ignore the TTP min/max translations for now I will need to check them. The original translations were for HCR32 but some ecus can do stuff differently and not display correctly

You wont blow anything up with these tables. They are just limits for when to cut injection

The only time would blow up an engine is by tuning it badly by causing detonation (usually through too much timing or too lean whilst on boost)
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Post by Ashley »

Unfortunately no luck.

The car will not even start and Idle with the supplied VQ map the VQ map that starts my car the best was the R34 RB25DET but this still does not rev past 3000rpm

Could I have installed the AFM incorrectly? And if so why do I get voltage?
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Post by Matt »

So the map shows up okay in the VQ map table for you now, but it is still cutting out?

Did you increase the TP Load Limit table (air fuel limiter table), since your graphs indicated a TP cut.

Can you please do another log with this table set to 255s. Is your TP cutting out in the consult guages?

What are your air fuel ratios like? Are you able to log those at all, or find out what they are when you hit the cut

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Post by Ashley »

Hi Matt...

Checked my wiring this morning before work even swapped wires around but then the Ecu just returned AFM error so swapped them back.

Interestingly when I installed my old AFM (Stock Ca18det) the car still had a slight hesitation at 3000rpm but then Reved past no problem

I have AFR on all my logs but it seems to Max at 9.1 when the car starts spluttering will log the info tonight for you guys.

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Post by Ashley »

Good Evening Matt and the Team.

It looks like we have a break through, I got the car to rev to redline but there are still major issues.

First off the car will not start on the pathfinder VQ map , But the car will run and rev through the range on the (VG30e VQ, any BNR-RB25, J30 VG30, M30 VG30 looks like any 300hp VQ) but my AFR falls dangerously low when going past 3500 RPM on any of these VG maps

I will attach log files below each log was taken with a different VQ map.
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