VQ maps and another question

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VQ maps and another question

Post by 4x4le »

I had a trial version on my computer a while ago and I was able to change the maf. Now that I bought the program and have it on my lap top I cant change the maf. It looks in the right folder and the folder has different vq maps in it but anytime I go to change the maf it says "no matching vq defenation was found for image, estimate hp" and it gives me a box to enter a hp value. I would like it to work like it should so does anyone know if it is a problem with this latest version or what the deal could be?

Now this next thing is that it seems that the fuel maps and timing maps always seem to stop at 6800 rpm even on bin files that I know the rev limiter is actually higher on. I can change the fuel and ign rpm scales in order for the maps to show all the way up to 8k but it changes part of the maps. I want to know what I can do in order for the maps to stay the same but allow me to adjust them in the cells I want to still. Say I wanted to add or remove fuel or timing at 7500 rpm only on someone elses map there is no way I would be able to (unless there is something Im missing because this program is still kind of new to me).
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Post by Matt »

Can you post/email your BIN on here and let me know which address file you are using

If it cant find a VQ map matching on it is list, that it usually means the VQ in the binary cant be recognised

Please also post the before/after BIN files when changing the RPM scales so I can see where the maps are affected

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Post by 4x4le »

ive got the vq map part figured out, I guess I jumpped the gun on asking a question on that one. However Im qurious about the part where the fuel/rpm/timing scales only show like 6800 rpm or whatever it is when some bin files have the revlimiter set much higher, im wondering if there is any way to display the cells of that tune without altering it?

Basicially right now all im doing is messing with bins that I downloaded off the net and some of my firends cars and comparing them and seeing the differences between them and trying to get familier with the program some while Glen puts the board in my ecu.

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Post by kenbam »

I believe after 6800 the ECU just puts the same amount of fuel into it as the last line required (TP AND RPM). It is still going to get more fuel at higher rpm because injection pulse frequency will increase relative to engine RPM. Biggest concern up that high is the ttpmax and the AFM maxing out.

Thats my understanding of it anyway, tables are limited to the 16X16 and while it is possible to extend the maximums, it will always be 16X16 so the steps will just be larger which gives a less defined map.
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Post by Matt »

Thats correct. You tune within 16x16 resolution, but after increasing the rev limiter you can 'up' your scales and adjust the new map to suit

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Post by 4x4le »

so i would be better off just leaving it where it is and then after I got it tuned raise the scale back up and fine tune it some? Humm, maybe I should just wait till I get me ecu and try a few things out a few different ways. Thanks for now though.
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