Nistune not connecting *noob question*

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Nistune not connecting *noob question*

Post by sr20spd »

I currently have a 1995 240sx with a S13 SR20DET and I am attempting to use Nistune for the first time. When I go to link using the Consult button, the software tells me the following.

* Consult not connected. COM1 spare: COM3 spare

I am not sure where I should begin to start troubleshooting. My first thought is that the US consult port doesn't work in its factory configuration with the JDM SR20det, and that I may need to rewire it into the harness to make it work properly. Other than that, I am pretty much stumped. If there is anyone else that can shed some light on what may be causing this issue please let me know. Thanks in advance, and I apologize if I sound like a noob :D
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Post by Matt »

What consult cable are you using?

If you are using a PLMS consult cable then you can look at the LEDs. If the green is flashing then its transmitting out to the port (when you press connect). If there is a response then the orange light will flash the response

If there is a wiring problem or the ECU is running limp mode then you wont get the response. I assume the car is running okay and no Check engine light or other indication of limp mode

Please check wiring attached between connector and ECU plug
consult connector pinouts
(41.15 KiB) Downloaded 1268 times
S13 SR20DET Pinout.xls
S13 SR20 pinout
(22 KiB) Downloaded 145 times

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Post by sr20spd »

Now I really feel like such a noob. I ended up figuring out the problem and it was fairly simple. I had a loose dash connector and once I plugged it all the way in, everything came to life. Thanks again for listening and sorry for wasting your time :)
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