Feature request: log more than 4 parameters

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Feature request: log more than 4 parameters

Post by Ferret »

Nistune can write to the log files only 4 parameters. The ECU I use on my non nissan car (Megasquirt) writes to its log files all of the ECU's inputs and outputs as well as internal flags. That may be an overkill, but I still feel half blind with only 4 logged parameters.
Please allow more than 4 if possible.

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Post by Matt »

Nistune will display upto four parameters, but it will log all of them in the background

If you record a log file and then play it back, you can select different registers to display if you wish, not just the original four selected during display

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Post by Ferret »

Thanks Matt,
for some reason the first log file I generated only showed 2 parameters.
I now checked a new one and saw that it does contain all the parameters.

By the way, what do the LHS and AOI in the log file stands for?

I tried to find the parameter that logs the boost/map sensor but couldn't find it, did I just miss it or it is not there?

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Post by Matt »

not too sure about the LHS. Might be AFR LHS?

The AOI = area of interest

You can flag these by pressing space during the logging for playback later on which will mark in the where you pressed the space bar

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Post by Ferret »

It appear in several parameters:
"MAF (LHS)", "O2 (LHS)" and "Inj time (LHS)".

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Post by Ferret »

I just went over all the consult registers available for logging and realised that I don't know what a lot of them mean.

I couldn't find out from the documentation can you please explain their meaning?

The parameters are:
Knock sense
Knock fuel flag
AF Alfa
AF Alfa Learn (LHS)

Also what do the flags (PS, NT, TP...) mean?

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Post by Matt »

Usually people just playback the log files within the software so we didnt really provide documentation on what the output is. However specific details are listed in the second document here

RPM Ref = Crank Angle Sensor reference point. Never actually used it for anything. Believe it is in reference to crankshaft position

MAF (LHS) = Mass Airflow Meter voltage (Left hand side). Dual MAF vehicles such as the GTR also have a RHS (right hand side)

Knock sense - not used. Nistune specific (added) parameter. This was going to be for reporting if the knock was currently being sensed. But instead we will replace this with a knock count reported from the ECU

Knock fuel flag - Nistune specific (added) parameter. If the flag which indicates knock fuel map is being used has been set. ECU dependent and not fully tested. All knock detection stuff is still work in progress

AAC = Auxillary air control valve. % duty cycle of this valve used for idle stablisation

AF Alfa = Amount of adjustment for narrowband O2 feedback I believe. I havent used this much. I know some people do watch it and may be able to provide more feedback on this one.

AF Alfa = Amount of adjustment for self learning. As above, havent used it much. We just report it out as one of the ECU given parameters

DC flags 1
AC = Air cond switch on
PS = Power steering switch on
NT = Neutral switch on
ST = Start switch on
TP = TPS switch on

DC flags 2
AR = aircond relay on
FP = fuel pump relay on
VT = VTC solenoid on
CH = Coolant high fan on
CL = Coolant low fan on

DC flags 3
PR = Pressure regulator solenoid on
WG = Wastegate solenoid on
FI = Fast idle control solenoid on
EG = Exhaust gate ratio solenoid on

DC flags 4
LHL = Left hand O2 lean condition detected
RHL = Right hand O2 lean condition detected

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Post by Ferret »

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