NIStune binary library

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NIStune binary library

Post by Matt »

I'm currently getting bins collected on the website from peoples ECUs. The problem is that a lot of theses are tuned files which others may not be able to reuse or the changes are not known except to the owner

What I am planning is to rename the files and keep a list of what software revision/ECU types these came from so they can be reused. Also these files should be in the correct image size for that particular ECU (Z31 are 16K, Z32 are 32K etc)

The NIStune software has a map copy feature now so you can keep your tunes private and separate from the patched NIStune binary file

The naming structure I am proposing is

23710-06P15-43_nt.bin - Z31 VG30E 1984 leaded (8K + 1K)
23710-35252-07_nt.bin - VLT RB30ET 1986 development (4 x 4K)

This will be on the main website but with a .TXT file in the directory with an ECU description for each filename

If you have binaries which you can trace back to ECU numbers and can email me those it would be great. for the existing 'tuned' ones they will go into a tuned subfolder


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Post by Twin-turboZ »

I have 3 ecu,s here that i am modifying for friend, but if i could power them up enough to copy the image with consult i could send them over..
One is an SR20, KA24de and KA24e.
Is it enough with just power and ground or are there other connections that must be made?
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Post by Matt »

just the power and consult needs to be connected. make sure you have the ECCS relay ignition power going in to get the ecu running if you are able to do that
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