We got jeff's car up and running very nicely yesterday. We found that a few adjustments were required such as tps and the battery voltage is low. 11.6vdc with both the electric water pump and electric fan on. The car rips at 8psi.
Nistune performed flawlessly with several large datalogs taken. No disconnects or problems of any sort. (I'll post the logfiles later) All went well until the romulator battery went dead. Unfortunately we lost the binfile as well. After we changed the battery, the romulator wouldn't work. We can get nistune to connect with an eprom installed but the burner seems to have a mind of it's own and decides frequently that it doesn't want to burn an eprom. We do however have lots of beer and it's co-operating with us.
So it looks like we're going to try and fix the romulator and do some more tuning. I'll be playing the datalogs on the laptop at the car show. More to come.
California update
Moderator: Matt