maxed out values?

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maxed out values?

Post by 4x4le »

So I have been having terrible luck with my car and it pretty much has been un drivable since november of last year. We were diognosing the harness and coil packs, and I even got new coil packs (spitfire) to hopefully replace them if they were actually bad. I was popping ignitors like it was no ones business and the coils were getting hot fast! I finally found the root to the problem and my ignition dwell was turned up to the max value!!! I know for a fact that I never messed with this but somehow it got raised and then loaded on my ecu when I hooked up with the laptop one day. I never put 2 and 2 together and thought it could be a tune issue because I never made adjustments that could have effected that. Well upon further inspection I have noticed several other parameters were un necessarly raised to max values for no reason as well! It will be impossible for me to log this or do anything with this because the problem started in the fall of last year so I couldnt even guess which version of nistune I had at the time and I really didnt need the race car much in the winter anyways so I just messed with it here and there trying to figure it out.
Is or was this a known problem with one of the versions? Is it safe to say this wont happen again? I had about 4-5 different bin files effected by this and I have no idea how it happened. Im just glad it never has happened to anyone elses car when I messed with theirs. Its just crazy that it must have been the version of the address file or the version of nistune I was using changed the paramiters that bad (255) all the way across on dwell time, temp enrich, crank adv, tps closed timing, timing adv decell, throttle open offset, crank enrich, crank enrich offset, engine crank offset, decell offset ratio, decell loss rpm, and decell loss temp.

Has anyone else had ANYTHING like this happen to them? It has surely cost me some money buying ignitors and new coils! I want to make sure this problem is GONE. Looks like Im going to have to retune asap.
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Post by Matt »

here is what the problem is...

- blank ROM image in Nistune will always be filled with FFs by default

- You have proabably last year used an older address file to sync the ROM image out of your Nistune board into the blank image and then saved it to disk. Only the parameters which were in the address file were synced saved to disk, the rest of the ROM space is empty with FFs...

(To avoid this, load a base ROM available from the Nistune ROM file pack, and then sync into that, this way you have a complete functional bin file)

- You have then later on loaded up an updated address file with more parameters available... and then probably loaded the old BIN file from disk (and the extra parameters are now read in as FFs). Then you most likely synced that back to the ECU and overwrote the good maps wtih those FFs

So what you will need to do is fix up your ROM image

1. load the base image for your ECU from the ROM image pack
2. load your last tuned 'synced' BIN file as comparison
3. copy maps that you need using the COPY icon button from comparison to main ROM
4. save that back to disk and also sync to your ECU

All your maps should be good now.

When updating address files, there is the risk of this happening and I have an open action to try and do some intelligent checking... especially since your coils have suffered from this

ie for any maps which are all 'FFs' then warn the user when loading the file that its incomplete, and perhaps prompt for a base image file and merge them together

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Post by 4x4le »

aww shoot. Well At least now the lesson is learned for me. I knew I didnt see them on there in the past. How I went about fixing the problems was I opened 2 nistune windows, a stock bin file in 1 and my "messed up" tune in the other and I also had a stock bin file in that window with the compair box checked. Any of the ones that were showing were different and had maxed out values I went into the other nistune window and copied them paramiters over. I did it that way instead of the way you just said to because I have changed many of the other paramiters and I didnt want to get that screwed up.

Oh well. Thanks
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Post by Matt »

for now i've marked in the file name (sync) and when this is detected, any maps which are FF will be marked orange... that will be in the next version. just finished coding it up then
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