NIStune 0.907a release available

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NIStune 0.907a release available

Post by Matt »

This has primarily USB consult fixes. You must be using patch code version 5. These updated patch files are available from the installation package. I will be removing older ones from the website, and everything will come with the installation to make life easier

The installation directory structure has
\bin - NIStune patched rom images supported
\address - Modified ROM editor address files for NIStune
\wideband - CSV files for Techedge Volt-AFR mapping and Aux1-3 volt to reading mapping files for converting your data from analogue to a readable signal
\vqmap - VQ map definitions for AFMs
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Post by Stinky »

I installed 907 and got some errors that i think are related to the innovate stuff. Innovate option is not in the config page. Consult wont connect either but i need to double check some things.
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Post by Matt »

i checked all that out before i put the install together :(

The error is raised OCX supplied with NIStune failed to find the DLL which comes supplied with the innovate software

Have you got the Innovate software installed on your PC? What version of windows also? Where is the DLL file that it is looking for located on your PC? It couldn't find it...

If the innovate software is not installed and you tick the 'Innovate' option in NIStune it will attempt to register the OCX which requires the DLL that comes with Innovate.

Innovate MTS documentation says not bundle their DLL with software such as nistune in case of future DLL updates, so i didn't include it with the installation package.....
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Post by Stinky »

Ah, cool. Got it working. My mts.dll file was stored in programfiles/logworks2/. I copied it to the system32 folder and the install worked perfectly. I'm running XP SP2.
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Post by Matt »

okay - should the innovate software normally be putting it there?

its just if someone else did a plain innovate install followed by a innovate enabled nistune install - would it work? it appeared to work here but i also installed the SDK on this machine
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Post by Stinky »

ill install the innovate stuff on a virgin machine and see where the mts file goes.
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Post by Stinky »

Just installed logworks2 on a fresh machine. The mts.dll file was only copied to the programfiles/logworks2/ folder.
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Post by Matt »

no probs. i'll see if there is any additional options when registering the OCX if not, im going to have to redistribute the DLL because they dont install it correctly for SDK programs

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Post by Russ84NA »

I am experiencing the same problems that Stinky was having. My consult won't stay connected for more than a second or two and when I click on the wideband box the window opens that says it is connected but it only shows 0's. If I open up Innovate log works then it won't open the window or connect.

I tried the consult connection only with the chip in, no luck. So I pulled the chip and hooked up the romulator. Still no conlult.

Also I copied the mts.dll file as Stinky did luck

Suggestions please
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Post by Matt »

hey russ

no probs. need some more information however

are these problems only with the latest nistune software 0.97 version? have you had the consult working previously successfully on a previous software version?

the patched file versions have changed and need to be updated to the latest

can you try the 88ss_nt.bin file that comes with the 0.97 version? load into the romulator with the Z31 address file. does consult connect with this file? (it is a known working configuration so we can determine if you have some usb problem)

if it still doesn't connect. can you enable logging from the file-configuration window and retry a connection and then post the log here. i can look into it further

also try the innovate - if you get the DLL errors during install then it wont work afterwards. copy the mts.dll file to \windows\system in the meantime. connect with the logging enabled, i will have a look at that to see what you get

stinky- does your innovate display okay now then? note that aux3 needed some fixing up since 0.97
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Post by Stinky »

Wideband display seems to be good so far. I've only had time to do one log which I will post later. I'm still having some interesting issues with the chip and checksum stuff. More info to come.
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Post by Stinky »

Did some quick testing with the wideband. Wideband operation seems to be working well. I changed teh aux2 csv file to work with the pressure sensor I have hooked up so it would display a boost pressure. Seems to be working as it should. I would suggest changing the default aux csv files so they read a plain 0-5.0v on the display. I'm not sure why you have the csv going from 0 to 5000 because it seems to only go from 0 to 1000 as a percentage of 5.0volts. Comments?

As far as the connection issues I'm not sure if I just needed to setup nistune correctly or what. I put a fresh copy of the bin in the nvram, started the car, and tried to connect to consult. The first time it did a disconnect with something about registers. I think I had to power cycle the ecu once and then consult connected. It's entirely possible I didnt have something setup right at first so dont worry too much about it. Everything seems to be working fine at the moment.

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Post by Russ84NA »

are these problems only with the latest nistune software 0.97 version? have you had the consult working previously successfully on a previous software version?
Yes, the last time I did any tuning was in March/April. At that time we had a few issues but we were able to get consult to work.

I relaoded the .97 version after I copied the MTS.dll to the sustem 32 file. This time I was able to sellect the Innovate option and install NISTune. When I selected the wideband button, the window opened but no figures appeared in the window just black boxes.

I used the 88ss_nt bin. The car started, but still consult would not stay connected. When I clicked the consult button, it wouldn't stay connected, but in a few seconds the engine started to stumble. When I clicked the consult button again the engine would resume normal running.

I am having some issues with the LM-1 unit so the connection there could be related to it.

The consult dosent stay connected with or without the LM-1 connected.

If you can give me some simple to follow steps on how to log what you want I will get it to you.

Thanks for all you help.
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Post by Stinky »

To do debug logs go into the configuration section of nistune and click Debug Logging. The logs are saved in the programfiles/nistune/ directory named as the date and time the log was created. Don't forget to zip them if they are large and you want to post them here.

You're using the 88ss file that came with the .97 install correct? Dont forget to set usb consult in the nistune configuration window. Cant hurt to check.
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Post by Matt »

I'm not sure why you have the csv going from 0 to 5000 because it seems to only go from 0 to 1000 as a percentage of 5.0volts. Comments?
- because the techedge reports a 0 - 5 volt scale. i can adjust the code for innovate to adjust for this percentage

- russ if you can try what bryant just posted with the logs i can look further into it
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