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Post by Bernardd »

when the wideband button the log recorder gets activate.
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Post by Matt »

thats not a bug - thats intentional!

the idea is that you can record just the wideband data if you wish without consult being connected

you will only get the wideband data normally in the drop down list for recording

something i have improved since this version was that it will only ask if you want to keep the log if you actually pressed record. that will come out in another version very soon

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Post by Russ84NA »

When I press the wideband button the window opens, the notes at the bottom tell what the wideband is doing, but it never shows a value. The value shows up in the box in the top right hand corner of the fuel map. When I try to log ther is no selection for the AFR in the drop down list. It stops with TP.

After messing around with it for a while I started getting a window saying that I should ensure that I had the correct patch rev. Then the consult won't connect. I had to go back to the 88nafed_nt bin and reload my fuel maps etc to get it to work. Seems that something I am doing is corrupting my information.

No problem with the car running.

One other thing, this version has in the adr files several addresses for the Z31 and has the Z31_VG30 what are they for?

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Post by Russ84NA »

Tried again today. This time I put a chip in place of the roumlator. Connected the consult USB cables to the laptop and opened NisTune.
I loaded in the address Z31_128E, put in the same image that was on the chip. Turned the key to the on position, clicked the consult button...consult opened and then got "USB consult error...retrying"
Tried again..."USB disconnected"
Tried again...connected
Started engine..consult working on Fuel map.
Clicked on Widband button...conection failed" and consult stopped working...USB consult error...retrying. while this message was on the bottom of the window the consult started working on the fuel map again. RPM's and TP values showed up in boxes on side of fuel map.
Tried wideband button again... conection failed.
Opened consult log to log. Again no option for A/F ratio in drop down list. Also the top choise, the red one will display a value in the box, but will not show up on the graph.

All this was working on the last version of NisTune.

I get the "ensure you have correct patch revision" in 97 and 98 versions.
When I go back and start with the 88na file and load the fuel and timing maps and the K value from my modified files I don't get this message, but after a few attempts then I get it and have to go and redo the file.

Let me know what I am doing wrong or what I can send so you can look at it.
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Post by Matt »

okay i'll have to do a code comparison between the versions. what was the previous version you were using?

can you please send me the log files (File-Configuration-Debug Logging) which are put in the installation folders /log directory after getting these errors? darkhalf@aanet.com.au

I'll have a look through the code to see what is going on also

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Post by Matt »

what firmware version were you using with the previous nistune version (was it patch version 4/5?)

can you also send me your bin files (the ones which dont work any more) so i can compare them and see what the problem is

there is a readme in the nistune folder explaining the new address file system

Address files have now been updated for the 32K NVRAM Rev C+ boards. These are not compatible with older boards

For older Rev A/Rev B boards You must now use the
CR31_RB30_128_E_16K / Z31_VG30_128_E_16K address files

appears the wideband is somehow affecting the consult capabilities. which wideband unit are you using? techedge or innovate?

i've got a day off work so i'll go through these on my bench/car

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Post by Russ84NA »

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:27 am Post subject:


what firmware version were you using with the previous nistune version (was it patch version 4/5?)
I was using .907a until the time ran out. Worked fine with the wideband.
I downloaded version .908a build on 9/22/06 @ 21:56.
I see that there is another version .9081a 9/22/06 @ 22:36. I'll try that later to day and see if there is a difference.

I missed the readme so I was using the old adr file. Z31_128-E.adr. I tried the Z31_VG30_128_E.adr and it didn't work. I'll try the 128_E_16K with the latest revision and see what that does.

appears the wideband is somehow affecting the consult capabilities. which wideband unit are you using? techedge or innovate?
I am using the Innovate LM-1 for the wideband. It was working fine in the last version. I was having an issue with Nistune using the RPM values from the LM-3 unit which were incorrect (separate issue) instead of getting the RPM's from the ECU.
I'll try to get this all set up correctly and see if it works and get back to you.

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Post by Russ84NA »

Still no luck. I removed version 908a and installed 9081a. When I checked the "about NisTune" it said I was using 908a. Are they one in the same?
I tried to find the debug logs. I assume that they are in the consult log location? There are files in there that correspond to the date and time, but they are in the Innovate Log Works format. Better yet Logworks won't open them.
I kept playing around with it to try to get it to work, sometimes it would show a value on the maps for A/F, but after a while I couldn't get anything to show. I think I may have fouled the plugs as the car stopped running smoothly even with the chip that worked great at the AutoX event yesterday.
I'll await some direction.
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Post by Stinky »

I'm starting to play with 908a. I noticed the number showing the timing in the consult display is no longer present. The bar moves across as it should but no number is displayed at all.

Also, I tried doing a consult download and got something about an incorrect address. I havent tried much else.
(4.09 KiB) Downloaded 157 times
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Post by Matt »

USB Consult download is disabled in future versions. There are several reasons for this
- Stop people from reading out the patch code on the NVRAM only boards (only maps/tables/contents will be retrievable using the reconcile feature)
- The ability to read lock NVRAM boards will be available in the near future to provide workshops the ability to safeguard their tunes

The 9081a was a minor change but I didn't update the version number in the software with that change.

I did a bit of work after adding the Zeitronix support to the wideband selection - in adding that i made some 'improvements' which have obviously broken the innovate stuff. I'll have to go through it and see what actually affected it
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Post by Stinky »

I have noticed that the timing value that's displayed in the logging window seems to be +1 degree of where it should be. Even when the car is off and the timing should read 0 it reads 1 degree.
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Post by Matt »

number showing the timing in the consult display
this has now been fixed. i will check on the +1 offset in the logs

there is also going to be another patch revision out with the pin code lock/unlock feature in there coming out soon

i still need to look into the original problem that Russ reported in this thread once i get some logs.

fairly busy in the meantime getting some boards put together for some people (NVRAM 6303, 6802 and 7700 versions now almost ready to go out)
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