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Re: MAF VQ map for z33 VQ30DE - something not quite right?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:26 pm
by immy21
Munkul333 wrote:Nice, thanks for the info both Immy and matt.

I dont understand how you have a TP peak of 124 at 4.5k and a lower TP of 104ish at 6k+?

Also my injectors are at 100% duty cycle to get around 11.5:1 AFR so I think mine probably need cleaned... just as well i have some 440's to put in :D
I was kinda hoping someone else would answer tbh RPM is within the tp calculation formula so I assumed it was just an effect of that. I thought it was normal, mine has always done it but it's the only car I have tuned so don't know any better.
TP= (VQ*K/(RPM*256/50))/Cylinders (got it via google)

What's yours like top end tp wise?
Got a log you attach a log?

Oh, like yourself I have now realised I still do get reversion, it is better than Z32 for it though.

here is a couple of newer logs. 1st one is uphill, goes wacky top end. 2nd one downhill.
Still a rough map but some more progress on it.

Re: MAF VQ map for z33 VQ30DE - something not quite right?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:40 pm
by Matt
As RPMs increase the TP will decrease as you can see from that formula. This is why the cursor starts going left on RPM increase with a close to steady MAF voltage

Re: MAF VQ map for z33 VQ30DE - something not quite right?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:11 pm
by Munkul333
I suppose your turbo is tailing off near the top end, so the increase in airflow over rpm becomes less linear.

I havent got any logs to hand (my laptop doesnt have internet) but mine peaks at around 117 at 5500rpm and only drops to 115 at the redline, IIRC. Thats running 14-15psi with a MBC, stock turbo.

Re: MAF VQ map for z33 VQ30DE - something not quite right?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:27 am
by Munkul333
Immy, I've just had a look at your bin, interesting to see you've just left the lower load scales blank.

I dont get your ignition table though? It's not even as good as a stock one!!!

Here's my effort so far, still needs a lot of fuel pulled out of the lower boost area but runs quite nice cruising and WOT, and its scaled to suit the z33 MAF (I'm not even in the last two columns yet).

Re: MAF VQ map for z33 VQ30DE - something not quite right?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:58 am
by immy21
Munkul333 wrote:Immy, I've just had a look at your bin, interesting to see you've just left the lower load scales blank.

I dont get your ignition table though? It's not even as good as a stock one!!!

Here's my effort so far, still needs a lot of fuel pulled out of the lower boost area but runs quite nice cruising and WOT, and its scaled to suit the z33 MAF (I'm not even in the last two columns yet).
Cheers for the map, good to compare.

The lower load scales, I assume you mean the fuel map. It's not blank, I have o2 flags disabled and the table set to stoich using 'estimated A/F ratio' view (I removed the o2 sensor). This is the minimum fuelling allowable with o2 flags disabled due to being 0 in 0-255. That's why it looks like I'm not using them but I am, it's 14.7, change the view to 'estimated A/F ratio' and you will see.
I need to switch the o2 flags back on despite not using o2 sensor so I can go experiment with leaner than 14.7 in the very light loads.

After changing load scales for the Z33 I filled the fuel map only using 'estimated A/F ratio' view so I can test drive my car with the Z33, work on load scales and mainly to fix latency and K. I will log the wideband and fill/adjust the fuel map during a lengthy journey I have coming up, just with K and latency done fueling is close though so safe. Interesting seeing were and how at starts to vary.

As for timing, it's a long story lol. Ever since fitting the knock sensor it shown I have always had a problem with det when things get hot on track, very occasionally on road. Even with HD 1a map before removing that for Nistune. I always thought it is likely to be mechanical and not ECU map. Since then I have been chasing the issue, having to pull off track (Crail and Knockhill) and do emergency fixes like reduce boost, pull timing, cool down lap, pump throttle to over fuel (no BOV) etc

It turned out the rubber hose on the fuel pump had hardened and not sealing properly. The pipe would easily slide with the stock spring clip still attached, since it only really happened on track it took aaages to swap parts and test. The lean spikes did not show on wideband. Anyway it's fixed now, last time at Crail (virtually) no det, Knockhill done over a 45min stint non stop, no det :D
Compression tested and it's good, piston tops look fine so my emergency methods kept the engine alive, I'd highly recommend a permanently fitted knock sensor!

I used PL's base map timing table quite some time ago. Since then I have been to Crail and Knockhill many times and done emergency timing retard over and above that. I also was experimenting retarding the timing on boost transition to build boost from 1>psi to peak quicker. I will fill the whole map with torque limit, det limit and fueling from wideband at some point.
Hence the 'rough map' ,make sense now? :mrgreen:

For anybody across the pond, Crail is our drift track, Knockhill is our Circuit/Grip track