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Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:42 pm
by RomChip200
Well, but it also hangs up when just connecting Consult on COM1:

1) Consult connect via the button
2) UI freezes for 5-10 seconds
3) Wideband connect via the button ==> immediate connection

I have many flavors of lags.

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:02 am
by Matt
Okay and that happens with the latest version I put up this week still? If so then do File > Configuration > Debug logging and then post or email the log so I can see where the delays are in connecting. I've never had GUI pauses on consult connections on my machines here

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:17 am
by RomChip200
OK, will do for debug logging.
Btw, where does Nistune store the crashdumps ? How to proceed when you have no internet connection when crashdump occurs ?

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:15 pm
by Matt
I use a third party crashdump program. Most likely in a windows temp folder. Dump files are usually DMP and XML extensions then zipped. Once you have internet again and run Nistune, the crashdump program will then attempt to send the files

What consult cable are you using with Nistune? Are you using anything which may use a counterfeit FTDI/Prolific chipset? Drivers for those chipsets could potentially be a cause of freeze up during connecting, but I will know more once I look at a debug log file - this is different from a crash log file. These are stored in your Nistune logs folder (under File > Configuration > Log folder, and make sure File > Configuration > Debug logging is ticked)

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:27 am
by RomChip200
Brand New and High Quality FTDI FT232 chipset
Full compliance with USB 1.1 & 2.0 specification
Convert RS232 interface device to USB for connecting PC
Excellent Quality USB Cable minimize data loss
Over 1 Mbps data transfer rate
Supports wake-up and intelligent power management
Provides dual buffer for upstream and downstream data transfer

I got some lags since yesterday and some various "Nistune not responding".
I have some logs 100~150MB but once zipped, they are still 10~15MB, I cannot attach them here.

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:54 am
by Matt
So the individual log files are that big? You can email smaller ones showing the problem directly to me. I should be able to receive upto 10MB via email

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:33 pm
by RomChip200
Log files are so big because I use hibernate mode on the tablet and I never exit Nistune, always ready to start a log on the next engine start.
So, I extracted the connection phases.
If you notice a break in time, this is due to hibernate mode (obviously I disconnect before hibernating).
Most of the time, Consult disconnects (but not MTS) when starting the engine (so I reconnect manually once running).

My typical scenario is this one:
1) Resume tablet from hibernation
2) Ignition ON
3) Connect Consult and MTS (I reversed the connection order, lag is still there)
4) Record log and drive (...)
5) Disconnect Consult and MTS
6) Ignition OFF
7) Press 2 times the STOP button on Log recorder windows to be sure the log file is really stored on the disk.
Note: sometimes I forgot 5), so it auto-disconnects, but 7) is mandatory
(599.85 KiB) Downloaded 517 times

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:21 pm
by RomChip200
Sometimes, when resuming from hibernate mode, I got "Nistune stopped working" from Windows on first connect. In this case, there's no crash dump. Nistune just asks if I want to load autorecovery file (I don't) on the next restart.

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:21 pm
by Matt
06:47:00.549 CMTSMain()
06:47:22.751 Wideband 1: OnSelMTSConnect: Detected ports 4
06:47:22.752 Wideband 1: OnSelMTSConnect: Attempting connection to 1 COM2
Big delay here. I'm adding more trace writes to narrow it down

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:30 pm
by Matt
06:47:27.668 CImageSelPanelView::OnButtonConsult()
06:47:27.668 OnSelConsultConnect()
06:47:27.668 CConsultMain::OnSelConsultConnect()
06:47:27.672 ConsultGetActiveSelections()
06:47:27.675 AutoFindConsult
06:47:27.675 AutoFindConsult(): Attempting connection
06:47:27.742 Found COM2 USB Serial Port
06:47:27.751 Found COM1 USB Serial Port
06:47:27.782 Found COM10 Port de communication
06:47:27.790 Found COM8 USB Serial Port
06:47:29.677 Extended consult ID check failed - must be standard consult
06:47:29.677 statusbar: Standard consult detected
2 secs to get ECU ID from connect
07:50:05.789 CImageSelPanelView::OnButtonConsult()
07:50:05.789 OnSelConsultConnect()
07:50:05.789 CConsultMain::OnSelConsultConnect()
07:50:05.792 ConsultGetActiveSelections()
07:50:05.797 AutoFindConsult
07:50:05.797 AutoFindConsult(): Attempting connection
07:50:05.860 Found COM2 USB Serial Port
07:50:05.868 Found COM1 USB Serial Port
07:50:05.900 Found COM10 Port de communication
07:50:05.908 Found COM8 USB Serial Port
07:50:06.174 CheckPort(COM1)
07:50:06.174 statusbar: AttemptConnect(): Connecting to COM1 attempt 1
07:50:07.776 ConsultCallBack::CConsultMain::CONSULT_STATE_ID_CHECK
07:50:07.776 Extended consult ID check failed - must be standard consult
Is this intermittent with consult connect delays? All logs show 2 secs between connect pressed to ID followed by register read

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:54 pm
by RomChip200
Matt wrote:
06:47:00.549 CMTSMain()
06:47:22.751 Wideband 1: OnSelMTSConnect: Detected ports 4
06:47:22.752 Wideband 1: OnSelMTSConnect: Attempting connection to 1 COM2
Big delay here. I'm adding more trace writes to narrow it down
Yes, this is my problem.

I have 2 use cases (I'm used to 1)):

1) Consult connect first, then MTS ==> BIG delay to get the UI refreshed and ready to accept other commands

2) MTS first, then Consult ==> BIG delay occurs sometimes here too

It looks like a contention trouble b/w COM1 and COM2.

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:55 pm
by RomChip200
Matt wrote:
Is this intermittent with consult connect delays? All logs show 2 secs between connect pressed to ID followed by register read
This is not my problem, even if sometimes Consult alone takes more time to connect

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:59 pm
by RomChip200
Here's a log from this morning.
All happened seamlessly, no delay.

1) Consult connect
2) MTS connect
3) Start log record and drive
4) Stop 2 times log record to have it stored (µSD)
5) MTS disconnect
6) Consult disconnect
7) Nistune is kept opened, hibernate tablet.
(2.72 MiB) Downloaded 334 times

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:06 pm
by Matt
This is not my problem, even if sometimes Consult alone takes more time to connect
You mentioned issue:
1) Consult connect via the button
2) UI freezes for 5-10 seconds
But I could not see that issue in prior logs. So this log does not show issue:
2) MTS first, then Consult ==> BIG delay occurs sometimes here too
Big delay might be driver related... software does not care about multiple COM ports since using threads for each one. Does any logs so far show (2) issue?

Re: Z32 256 adress file

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:07 pm
by RomChip200
I just tried the 1.2.82 version.
I don't feel how this version performs regarding performance.

It seems you parse all the ADR Files when starting Nistune, right ?
On a Core i5 Notebook with SSD, Nistune 1.2.82 takes 7-8 seconds to display main window from startup !

Regarding e.g. O2 thresholds definitions, that's difficult to follow b/w the ADR file and Nistune as you are still using 4 different interpretations in different locations (ADR file vs. Nistune) for the same parameter.
O2_VOLTAGE_LOW,&H7F93,1,1,1,10,O2 Sensor leanest voltage

1st interpretation: O2_VOLTAGE_LOW
2nd interpretation: O2 Sensor leanest voltage
3rd interpretation (in Nistune): this is named "O2 Voltage lean"
4rd interpretation (highlighted in Nistune): "O2 sensor minimum voltage to measure less than stoechiometric condition"

I know you have some legacy in parameter naming but the link b/w the ADR file and Nistune should be straightforward:
parameter name: O2_LEAN_VOLTAGE
definition: O2 sensor minimum rich voltage (voltage threshold below which the bank is going to be considered lean if it is currently rich)

This should be consistent in both ADR file and Nistune display

For the sake of the example, I remind you the real meaning of these which are sometimes subtle :

Code: Select all

DATA:FFA0 afr_const21:        fcb 53                        ; ...
DATA:FFA0                                                   ; O2 sensor minimum rich voltage (voltage threshold
DATA:FFA0                                                   ; below which the bank is going to be considered lean if it is currently rich)
DATA:FFA1 afr_const22:        fcb 58                        ; ...
DATA:FFA1                                                   ;  O2 sensor maximum rich voltage (voltage threshold
DATA:FFA1                                                   ; above which the bank is going to be considered rich if it is currently lean)

DATA:FF92 afr_const20:        fcb 58                        ; ...
DATA:FF92                                                   ; O2 sensor "ready" voltage - O2 sensor won't be
DATA:FF92                                                   ; considered unless above this V at least once
DATA:FF93 afr_const25:        fcb 21                        ; ...
DATA:FF93                                                   ; O2 sensor lean voltage