Nistune 0.10 Release

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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by RomChip200 »

Matt wrote: Do you get the Innovate MTS exception issue with 0.10.3? Trying to work out what might have changed for this to occur
AFAIR, no but with 0.10.1 or 0.10.2, yes, few times
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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by Matt »

Such major realease (deep software rewrite mentioned) should be released with more care, deep non regression testing in all cases with the majority of devices available
Given the expiry of the previous version this got rushed out sooner than I wanted. However I have responded to problems within 1-2 days so far and software has only been out for a week with all major crash issues resolved and now just display/logging issues to fix

This release was tested using what I have here
- Moates emulators
- Aten prolific USB-serial converter on Innovate LC-1
- Innovate LM-1 USB
- FTDI USB-serial converter with PLMS serial cable
- PLMS USB consult cable and Blazt USB consult cable

Theese devices are quite happy with the timeout I was giving them. The problem occurs when there are dodgy devices out there which dont implement their drivers properly and fall through the timeout I've set in there.

I tested this on my R31 and my R34 over a period of two weeks taking logs etc. The problem is the variation of ECUs supported can raise issues which were outside the scope of these vehicles
_2 Prolific cheap chinese cables (that worked really fine up to original
These dont help. Where did you source your dodgy cable from. I need some similar hardware to test out on so I can repeat issues here. Changing drivers hasnt repeated the problems. I've added now an option for 'timeout' value for the scanning. Set to 0 will run as before and wait indefinately for a response from the driver, effectively freezing up the software until its released

Maybe I'm a particular user:
_2 Innovate LC1s daisy-chained with XD16 gauges too (that worked really fine up to original
This is now working in 0.10.3 as I didnt have the daisy chaining set up here I could not regression test this. Cables arrived today, so now I can

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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by RomChip200 »

I don't blame you at the end :D
I'm just exhausted with so many bugs and logging sessions failed :D
And I think about users not understanding really what they are doing ....

My 2 cables are these ones (this is my seller): ... 5643f79fae
Looking inside, they have the same hw than some others more expensive, trust me.

As already said, having 2 cables running at the same time jeopardize the overall behavior, trust me.
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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by Matt »

yeah thats what I'll be needing to do is get another cable. Trying to do as much testing here before putting another version up
NIStune_2011-05-30_1921_50.csv [27.57 KiB]
NIStune_2011-05-30_2204_49.csv [4.1 KiB]
Okay figured this one out - you would have connected wideband first and then opened the log player I'm thinking. Log header gets recorded with just the AFR LHS, AFR RHS. After this connect to consult and the logger displays data as normal recording all the fields

However on playback, we only see the wideband log header, but with all the consult data. Explains why the logger is screwy here. In the case of a device connecting/disconnecting I need to stop the logging session and ask to save before creating another log.
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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by Matt »


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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by RomChip200 »

Matt wrote:you would have connected wideband first and then opened the log player I'm thinking.
Maybe, but your second line content in the excel sheet should not be conditioned by that .....

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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by RomChip200 »

Matt wrote:okay found them here. same one ... 41503ea6f5
My link is cheaper and they come from the same place .... China.
I will check tonight if I really have MAxim C78091 inside ... btw, I don't find this chip in
But I remeber my hw inside my cables look the same, sure.
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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by Matt »

yeah I noticed that... quite a bit cheaper

I need a screen shot of the gauges you are missing. Z32 ECU here no problems with display. With logger once I reselected the RPM from the drop down it displayed in the log player
next ECU with gauge testing was HCR32
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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by Matt »

- Repetitive message box with request for save
>> Fixed. Also resolved issue in 0.9xxx with disconnecting consult after download. Now keeps the connection after saving

- Log recorder missing parameters, RPM always 0 (Z32 and S13 CA18)
>> Reselecting the RPM drop down will make it appear again (work around). Fixed. With default unselected parameters, search for first available parameter and make that default for all drop downs
>> Updated logger to keep record of sensors in log header. If say consult and wideband connected, and one drops out then those log entries are blank during recording, until reconnected. However if only consult started and then logging starts and wideband afterwards, current log is closed and request for save before next log opened.

- Battery voltage missing on consult display (S13 CA18)
>> Added battery voltage to supported Type 1 consult registers (tested on S13 CA18)

- Consult view display not showing data on connection
>> Cant see this one yet... screenshots please (Alt-Print screen then open MSPaint and Paste. Save as JPG and post to this forum). Try doing uninstall/reinstall and see if still an issue (I'm testing on a clean install)

- Low AFM trigger voltage
>> Will look at this one next

Also fixed tonight
- Max needle on gauges displayed incorrectly
- User selectable COM port timeout. 0 = No timeout (acts same as in 0.9xxx versions) otherwise waits upto X seconds before timing out the port. Used on File-Config, consult and emulator auto scan
- Rechecked Cold Enrich / Warm Enrich on HCR32 ECU as per email request works fine
- Noted that HCR32 04Uxx and 01Uxx earlier model ECUs will not consult download (not supported by ECU)
- Retested ER34 in factory mode and connects, and displays okay (as per email request)

No release version with this yet. Planning on tomorrow night after some more testing on the bench

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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by modulation »

Apologizes if this has been reported already.
Under 10.2 if I use the "Input tracer" and select my LC1 (LAFR) and "average" view in the cells where it's tracing it'll show a whole number like 12.00 instead of the average it should be.

If I select current that works fine, just not average.

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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by RomChip200 »

Matt, at the moment, Nistune stuff is driving me crazy ... but I have now a proof for everything, let's go:

1) Tonight I lost again a log file and then a running session ...

This is with original release (as other versions are not yet suitable for me, see below ...).
By chance I isolated the sequence just having ignition on:
1) Cables plugged in, Nistune started, connect consult, connect LC1, open log player panel
2) start log record ==> I can see the file size increasing in the file explorer
3) now I unplug the cable corresponding to LC1 (this is comparable to a USB contact problem due to car vibration)
4) Consult is still running, log record time too, few seconds later, I get the famous panel "do you really want to keep this file ... ?"
5) before clicking yes, I checked in the file explorer, the file is still there with the right size
6) now I click YES and guess what ... the file has been deleted from the disk .... nightmare

Note: this phenomen doesn"t seem to occur if it's Consult that is spuriously disconnected but tbc.
Note2: I go many bluescreens with this version (IRQ ... LESS) or ser2pl.sys error then that makes the testing phase exhausting ... PC reboot takes a while

2) RE-release, systematic unhandled exception when trying to connect to Innovate, super !
Nistune rerelease.JPG
(108.83 KiB) Downloaded 3049 times
3) 0.10.3 bad display spacing in Consult raw data register:
Nistune 0.10.3 bad spacing.JPG
(147.45 KiB) Downloaded 3049 times
The display is fine in
Nistune good data display.JPG
(183.22 KiB) Downloaded 3049 times
Last edited by RomChip200 on Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by RomChip200 »

Let's go on ...

4) 0.10.3 RPM always 0 ... I re-selected RPM everywhere, without success, am I dumb !?
Nistune 0.10.3 RPM 0.JPG
(196.73 KiB) Downloaded 3048 times
5) Btw, what's this blank line in 0.10.3 ?
Nistune 0.10.3 blank line.JPG
(200.36 KiB) Downloaded 3048 times
Is it enough for today !? :wink:

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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by guricha »

Matt, have problem with consulting, i mean when ignition is on (engine is not working) there is connection to the board and it does read and write an working in real time, as soon i start the car it does disconnects and gives error "consult not connected" I try it on two car, same situation, could it be problem of the laptop ? or consult cable ?

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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by RomChip200 »

guricha wrote:Matt, have problem with consulting, i mean when ignition is on (engine is not working) there is connection to the board and it does read and write an working in real time, as soon i start the car it does disconnects and gives error "consult not connected" I try it on two car, same situation, could it be problem of the laptop ? or consult cable ?
I know, this is power supply related problem. When you start the car, the starter takes a big bunch of current and then the overall voltage drops, down to the 8-10V area depending on your car battery condition.
With a healthy battery, that normally doesn't occur, but I admit it may still occur randomly.

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Re: Nistune 0.10 Release

Post by guricha »

RomChip200 wrote:
guricha wrote:Matt, have problem with consulting, i mean when ignition is on (engine is not working) there is connection to the board and it does read and write an working in real time, as soon i start the car it does disconnects and gives error "consult not connected" I try it on two car, same situation, could it be problem of the laptop ? or consult cable ?
I know, this is power supply related problem. When you start the car, the starter takes a big bunch of current and then the overall voltage drops, down to the 8-10V area depending on your car battery condition.
With a healthy battery, that normally doesn't occur, but I admit it may still occur randomly.
Yes but i cant connect at all when the engine is running, all the time it writes "consult is not connected" asap i get car just with ignition mode it connects :( i even try to install second consult close to the ecu but same on both side, consulting when ignition is on and not consulting when engine is running