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nistune isn't connecting to usb

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:39 am
by Bernardd
windows is seeing the nistune board but no connection to nistune itself. any ideas?

need more info

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:53 am
by Matt
need more info.... perhaps email me the logs

have a look at the following ... cument.doc

if you get a connect ..... disconnect issue then it means that the PC can 'see' the USB chip on the NIStune board but can't talk to the nistune software that should be running on the ecu.

most likely canidate for this problem is mismatch of memory mapping. the current boards asssume A14 (pin 27) is connected to VCC

ensure you have a valid filename_nt.bin loaded in the romulator when connecting. the B700 address of the board should match the _nt.bin

if your particular _nt.bin doesnt work try one that bryant uses (i test on 88ss_nt.bin). make sure you have the latest address file

also i've just been informed - only try the connect when the key is in IGNITION but engine isn't running. i'm going to look into that one

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:37 pm
by Bernardd
i tried stinky's binfile with no luck. i can change the config to a usb consult and i get an error. other than that it just says it doesn't connect.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:48 pm
by Russ84NA
I think we had the same problem getting the consult to connect the first time. Check your configuration set up and be sure the path is correct to find the loaction. Then after the first time we had to have the key on start. If we started the engine it would not find the consult

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:13 am
by Bernardd
I get 960 ohms from pin 27 to pin 28 with the nistune board plugged in. Is that ok?

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:48 am
by Bernardd
error screen capture

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:12 am
by Matt
thats a good error message! :D

at least its communicating to your board. now make sure you are using the standard NIStune address files. anything different (offsets changed etc) and it will be toast

okay things to check....

1. look at the address file....

the program is looking for the consult data at address &H8000+&H3210 = &HB210

2. open up and look at the _nt file you are using to upload to the romulator in the NIStune hex editor at address 3210 it should look like
00 0F 00 10 FF FF FF FF ..... that is the start of the consult table it is looking for

you will get that error if it reads all FFs (wrong memory address)

3. if both of those are okay
(a) ignition on
(b) romulator upload
(c) consult connect
(d) then start

let us know what the results are.... but at least the board is communicating. if you post the c:\nistune\logs\... log file i can look at where it is trying to read from the board and what it is reading

i will try and look into the connect whilst engine running issue. on the first time i get a CONNECT, but i also get crap data while engine is running (its reading wrong memory address?)

i dont notice this with simulated engine on the bench. however i am running NVRAM version which may be different on hardware (my pocket romulator is broken... waiting for CPU to arrive)

however if i am running the car and disconnect, i can reconnect with no problems. please ensure you are using latest software versions also

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 5:23 am
by Bernardd
everything checked out. here's the logfile.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:48 am
by Bernardd
Found a problem. On the CPU header, Pin 2 goes to pin 34 on the cpu, and pin 3 goes to 37. I'll swap those around and hopefully be up and running. Also the eprom jumpers aren't very clear in the installation instructions. I'm not sure which they go.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:33 pm
by Matt
i might emphasise in the documentation the ordering of the wires being fairly important. i know that two appear to cross over going to the CPU but thats just the way it worked out in the PCB layout

the jumpers should be both pins 1-2 connected for EPROM/romulator

later delivered boards i have used wire links instead of jumpers

let us know how it goes

It's working!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:42 pm
by Bernardd
Got it working. The cpu header was wrong and the jumpers were set to nvram. It's late so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to go for a test ride.