I've failed to google a set of trustwurthy voltage readouts. I would like to know if my used z32 maf is working correctly.
( currently I can't start the engine due to fuelpump issues. But I like to check if my maf happens to be a fake or if its broken )
Can anyone fill in the blanks, so I can pre-test my new setup?
thank you!
MAF voltage
Ignition on = ?? Volts
Idling 900rpm = ?? Volts
~2500rpm = ?? volts
Ignition on = ?? Volts
Idling 900rpm = ?? Volts
~2500rpm = ?? volts
Z32 / SR20DET MAF voltage
Moderator: Matt
Re: Z32 / SR20DET MAF voltage
Probably best to get one from a log file if you can see any on here. Otherwise email me and I'll send you one of mine
That has all the information including AFM voltage, RPM etc
That has all the information including AFM voltage, RPM etc