I have the Nistune board installed in my car permanently and have been running data logging etc a daily basis with no problems but noting this, I am using the NVRAM configuration which makes things slightly different.
I also have the board hotglued to the ECU to prevent vibration issues. Any vibration can cause temporary/permanent disconnection on the socket which can then cause ECU code problems....
Out of curiousity, does your AFM have a hot wire cleaning mechanism built in? The R31 ECUs do which only should operate when the ECU is shut down and only for a second. if you ECU code was running strange it was possible it sent voltage to the AFM longer that it should but strange it would burn out since it would take more than 12v to burn it out
If your ECU is doing strange things to your car (ie fuel pump pulsating etc) then there is a serious problem where the ECU code is not being executed correctly. This is either due to Romulator corruption or poor connections causing improper ECU program operation. I will try and help you resolve this asap
But i need to determine the exact cause of the problem first
(a) First thing is to ensure that your board is hotglued or at least securely connected to your ECU! If you only have the romulator connected, then you will not have vibration issues so much because the connector is small and will not suffer as much vibration causing connectivity issues. Hence you will not see these problems.
(b) My romulator and Dell laptop have also have a bad relationship. If I restart the laptop it will corrupt the romulator contents and the car will not run! I'm not the first person to experience this problem either with romulators. The laptop should be grounded to the chasis of your car to prevent romulator corruption issues. This is on their FAQ page
(c) When does the problem actually occur. Is it purely random whilst driving and will start having problems or was there something specific that caused the problem to occur, like going over bumps etc?
Everytime when it is not recovering automatically i pulled the nistune-board out of the ecu and then remounted it and everything is ok again
(e) So reseating the board seemed to fix the problem. Was the board connecting properly to the socket you installed? Did you use a machine drilled socket in your ECU?
What about trying one thing at a time, like
1. powering off the ecu, wait 10 seconds, power on the ecu. perform an upload to the romulator and see if the ecu works fine
2. removing and reconnecting the CPU cable to the board. retry connection and see if this fixes it
3. pushing the board into the ecu solidly immediately after the problem and see if this fixes the problem
4. remove the CPU cable completely and see if car works without this. this should still run the car on the Rev B PLD version
5. when finally removing the board and reinstalling. does this fix the problem immediately?
if the problem is purely random and all connections are secure
and step 5 seems to be the only solution, there could be a defect on the board. i will send you another one free of charge in this case since you shouldn't be experiencing these problems.