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Can't run nistune-saved .bin in standard daughterboard

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:08 am
by src
Hi Matt,

I've found this issue a long time ago, but didn't post it there.
When I save some .bin file tuned with Nistune realtime board, I can't just burn it to traditional EEPROM-style daughterboard, because if I do so, I'll got ECU running in safe-mode. I have several engines which I want to tune with realtime board, then run with EEPROM-style boards, and I have no time to copy-paste each table every time I tuned it with realtime board via Nistune...

Any comments, suggestions?


Re: Can't run nistune-saved .bin in standard daughterboard

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:00 pm
by Matt
You need to make sure you sync into an existing BIN file

Nistune in the latest versions will look at your ECU part number and if the ROM pack is installed automatically load the file matching the part number and sync into that

Previous versions didnt do that so if you didnt have a file ready to sync the maps into then when you save it, there was an empty rom image with just the maps

The bin file should then work in your EEPROM/FLASH chips

Re: Can't run nistune-saved .bin in standard daughterboard

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:14 pm
by src
As I remember - I have loaded a base file. But I will try.
I think it will be more reasonable to force Nistune to save such map data as ".map" file instead of ".bin" so it will be clear to anyone.


Re: Can't run nistune-saved .bin in standard daughterboard

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:02 am
by PL
Just view your file in a Hex editor. If it's nearly all F's then you don't have the full image. If most of it's filled with some sort of data then you have the full image.


Re: Can't run nistune-saved .bin in standard daughterboard

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:22 am
by Matt
Nistune has a built in hex editor (Display-Hex Editor) for doing this

However normally when an image is opened (sync) will be displayed against the file if its detected as being incomplete, and may ask you for to merge the file