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Worng photo ?? in Type 2 in Z32 for R33 RB25DET pinouts doc

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:56 pm
by louiswun
It seems that photo in the Type 2 in Z32 for R33 RB25DET pinouts document is worng.
A photo in point 3 to cut a track on the board.
But the same photo in point 5 advice to cut another track.
In the photo, the correct track is cut but the red circle is in worng position.
Is it ?

Re: Worng photo ?? in Type 2 in Z32 for R33 RB25DET pinouts doc

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:36 pm
by Matt
Hi Louis both tracks need cutting. The photos were taken with first track cut and then later followed by the other track