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ER34 RB25DET NEO tuning questions
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:26 pm
by winmasta
what the reason ecu swithes to knock maps, there is no knocks in counter but its going to knock maps in any case, may be there is some knock settings or switch-to knock setting ?
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:01 pm
by Matt
Ignore the counter. Its not functional in most ECUs (only early ones)
I'm updating the code to only display the counter on those ones. Knock maps used when knock detected or knock sensor fault code raised
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:52 pm
by winmasta
Matt wrote:Ignore the counter. Its not functional in most ECUs (only early ones)
I'm updating the code to only display the counter on those ones. Knock maps used when knock detected or knock sensor fault code raised
so where can i see when knock detected or knock sensor fails ? i mean, if i should use fuel maps or just copy fuel map to knock map and didnt worry about it ?
ps i'm from russia so some phrases in english can be incorrect, sorry if that
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:28 pm
by Matt
Nissan ECUs dont display when knock is detected. We are trying to alter the ECU code to achieve this but it is difficult to locate and modify each one, and during testing found that the ECU did not detect all knock which we could hear with our headphones. Your best bet is to use knock detection headphones or equivalent to listen for it
So far I have been able to determine which maps are being used (main or knock)
We recommend to copy changes to both maps during tuning.
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:25 pm
by winmasta
Matt wrote:Nissan ECUs dont display when knock is detected. We are trying to alter the ECU code to achieve this but it is difficult to locate and modify each one, and during testing found that the ECU did not detect all knock which we could hear with our headphones. Your best bet is to use knock detection headphones or equivalent to listen for it
So far I have been able to determine which maps are being used (main or knock)
We recommend to copy changes to both maps during tuning.
thanks, i will copy it, but now there is one more question how i should rightly rescale fuel map to 1,4 bar of overpressure
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:19 pm
by Matt
Find where your TP (load) gauge reads upto maximum when going on boost. Then rescale the columns to just over the maximum TP reading
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:29 pm
by winmasta
Matt wrote:Find where your TP (load) gauge reads upto maximum when going on boost. Then rescale the columns to just over the maximum TP reading
ok, but what columns i should change, i think it's over 100 TP (below 100 TP, i.e. without overpressure, columns do not need to be changed) am i right ?
one more question - what about maps "High boost duty" and "Volumetric efficiency" for what purpose these maps and should i change something in ?
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:23 pm
by Matt
Have you read the tuning guide on our website? This will cover the rescaling questions you are asking in more detail. Basically you need to adjust Fuel and Timing TP load scales so they allow you to map up to maximum load
After this then you need to tune your fuel to achieve desired AFRs firstly whilst monitoring knock. Timing maps are then adjusted afterwords whilst carefully monitoring knock
VE maps are used for trimming the fuel map. They adjust injection pulsewidth also. They are used during closed loop also when ECU is actively responding to the O2 sensor
Boost map is used to control factory solenoid. We dont use this map at this time (I need to research it) so in the interim I use a bleed valve to set my boost. Would be nice to get this working however with factory solenoid and appropriately sized bleed pill
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:05 pm
by winmasta
thanks for answer, i will read guide again carefully, so VE maps is not necessary to use ? and what device is to use for detecting knocks, may be you will reccomend some ? thanks a lot again for help
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 10:25 am
by Matt
We use a microphone via amplifier connected to headphones but devices like knocklite etc are available. Some previous discussion even on these forums if you do a search
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 3:39 pm
by winmasta
i have changed MAF to Z32 and rescaling was done automaticly and there is much more dynamic now, i am afraid that something is wrong, can you check my image file pls for correctness
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 6:59 pm
by Matt
what injectors are you using?
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:06 pm
by winmasta
Matt wrote:what injectors are you using?
very strange story: they told me that it is nismo 480 cc injectors (and i have a box where the part number is NISMO 16600-rr710) BUT when i changed injectors from stock and tried to resize them in nistune, engine didnt start, when i reset settings to stock engine started and running very nice, so i think i using nismo injectors but 380 cc
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:21 pm
by winmasta
and one more thing - i cant understand what for there is crank enrich offset maps ?
Re: ER34 RB25DRT NEO tuning questions
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:18 pm
by Matt
Believe Nismo do not do 380CC for that car, would have to be 480CC. What colour are they? I have 480CC and Z32 on my car, you can grab my tune to start from
Email me and I'll send that through