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Innovate LC-1 reads 32 all the time in Nistune

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:19 am
by maglito
but works fine in Logworks.

The correct lookup table is selected.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on?


Re: Innovate LC-1 reads 32 all the time in Nistune

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 10:27 am
by Matt
This was already raised in the bugs section. Back in adelaide and finished most of my consult and wideband rewrite. Will retest tomorrow with innovate

Re: Innovate LC-1 reads 32 all the time in Nistune

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:09 pm
by maglito
Matt wrote:This was already raised in the bugs section. Back in adelaide and finished most of my consult and wideband rewrite. Will retest tomorrow with innovate
Any word on the retest?

Re: Innovate LC-1 reads 32 all the time in Nistune

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:49 pm
by Matt
Yes it working now on my development version of the software.

Innovate switches between O2 and Lambda when it senses AFR changes that causes some display mess up for people. That has now been fixed. Also I varied the max with the lookup tables in new version and it responded correctly and Nistune display matches LM-2 display exactly

I'm looking into DLP at the moment since it is slightly off from what my multimeter reads. Wondering if extra translation is requried or if the DLP is not as accurate as I hoped

Other issues with software updates are mutex updates causing freezes at the moment. I'm investigating that. Getting very close to releasing next version however

Re: Innovate LC-1 reads 32 all the time in Nistune

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 4:51 am
by maglito
Good to hear. Do you think it will be ready for release by next weekend?

Re: Innovate LC-1 reads 32 all the time in Nistune

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 5:43 pm
by Matt
I'm trying ... been recoding all weekend :(

At the moment the build is occasionally crashing and has some serious memory leaks which I'm looking into. So its not stable enough for consumption yet. Getting there....

Re: Innovate LC-1 reads 32 all the time in Nistune

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:55 pm
by Matt
Just marking this thread as fixed