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Z32 ECU on RB25, Some question

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:47 am
by louiswun
Z32 ECU on RB25, Accel Increase Fuel Question
In this map, I have found that even if I did not touch the throttle,
AFR will change accroding to this map, on idle, TPS switch off in red colour.
While I have make the whole map to 0, when driving on the road, the throttle enrichment still there and did not response to this map.
Is this map suppose to be the "throttle enrichment' ?
Did I do something wrong or there is another map to contorl throttle enrichment ?

Fuel Increase Rate
What is the meaning and how does it affecting the fueling ?

Re: Z32 ECU on RB25, Some question

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:28 am
by Adrian
I'm wondering also what the fuel increase rate is?
What i know is the last columb of the fuel map for the acceleration enrichment. If the TPS voltage goes over the values in the "Acceleration Increase Fuel vs TPS voltage" map, the he ECU takes the values in the last columb of the Fuel map for a short time, to enrich the AFR's.
I see that the Z32 ECU has also complete different timing-values in the last columb of the timing map. Take the ECU the last columb in the same way as on the Fuel map? or is that for the limp mode or sowhat?

Re: Z32 ECU on RB25, Some question

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:09 am
by Matt
If you set this table to 0s then it will make the TPS trigger straight away. Therefore ECU always access the last column in the fuel map which is why you are seeing AFRs change

Re: Z32 ECU on RB25, Some question

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:40 pm
by RomChip200
This table disappeared in the latest release (0.11), right ?
ADD_FUEL,&H7530,16,1,16,1,Acceleration increase volume
yes, it has been removed, on purpose. That's so complicated and I forgot a lot :lol:
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2335&p=17070&hilit= ... dle#p17070

Now, I have a big problem with this location (it cannot be what you call it):
FUEL_INCREASE_RATE,&H79FF,1,1,1,1,Fuel increase rate adjustment

When looking into the code:

Code: Select all

CODE:978E ict_8:                                            ; ...
CODE:978E                     ldx #tp_limit
CODE:9791                     tim #%10000, flags2           ; Bit 0: 0=first time, 1=not first time
CODE:9794                     beq ict_9
CODE:9796                     ldx #fuel_cut_recovery
CODE:9799 ict_9:                                            ; ...
CODE:9799                     jsr interp_16                 ; X=table adress
CODE:9799                                                   ; A=value to look up
CODE:9799                                                   ; 
CODE:9799                                                   ; A=output value
CODE:979C                     cmpa tp1
CODE:979F                     bcc ict_10
CODE:97A1                     ldaa inj_counter1
CODE:97A4                     cmpa location_79FF
CODE:97A7                     bcs ict_11
CODE:97A9                     oim #%10000, flags2           ; Bit 0: 0=first time, 1=not first time
CODE:97AC                     bra ict_2
CODE:97AE ict_10:                                           ; ...
CODE:97AE                     clr inj_counter1
CODE:97B1                     aim #%11101111, flags2        ; Bit 0: 0=first time, 1=not first time
CODE:97B4 ict_11:                                           ; ...
CODE:97B4                     ldx ttp_min
CODE:97B7                     cpx tp
CODE:97BA                     bcs ict_12                    ; If tp>ttp_min then branch
CODE:97BC                     stx tp                        ; Else tp=ttp_min
CODE:97BF ict_12:                                           ; ...
CODE:97BF                     ldx ttp_max
CODE:97C2                     cpx tp
CODE:97C5                     bcc ict_13                    ; If tp<ttp_max then branch
CODE:97C7                     stx tp                        ; Else tp=ttp_max
CODE:97CA ict_13:                                           ; ...
CODE:97CA                     rts


DATA:F960 tp_limit:           fcb 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
DATA:F970 fuel_cut_recovery:  fcb  48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48
RAM2:14E4 inj_counter1:       rmb 1
Basically, 0x79FF is a counter limit (OEM value=10) for inj_counter1.
And inj_counter1 counts the number of times TP is above TP_limit threshold or below TP_load_recovery threshold before validating it ...
This is just to avoid transitional effects.

inj_counter1 is incremented in a routined called into IRQ2 (don't remember the irq2 call rate).

Code: Select all

CODE:A1E2 compute_counters:                                 ; ...
CODE:A1E2                     ldaa limiters_counter2
CODE:A1E5                     beq loc_6208
CODE:A1E7                     dec limiters_counter2
CODE:A1EA loc_6208:                                         ; ...
CODE:A1EA                     tim #%1111, byte_81
CODE:A1ED                     bne loc_815
CODE:A1EF                     inc inj_counter1
CODE:A1F2                     bne loc_6209
CODE:A1F4                     com inj_counter1
CODE:A1F7 loc_6209:                                         ; ...

Re: Z32 ECU on RB25, Some question

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:42 pm
by Adrian
Can it be that the fuel increase rate has something to do with fuel temp? I tried different settings but i don't see any influence.

Another thing that i've noticed (on a rb25det with z32 ecu) is that the last colum has allways a innfluence at full trottle. You see that especially in the closed loop area very good. With 90% throttle, the ECU stay on closed loop, but with WOT the ECU takes the values out of the last columb (runs richer) all time. Not only for a short while, like on other ECU's.

Re: Z32 ECU on RB25, Some question

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:25 pm
by RomChip200
A&M-Motorsport wrote: With 90% throttle, the ECU stay on closed loop
How can you assert that ?
You shouldn't speak about throttle.
You may have throttle half-way and mid-range value of TP. Tables are TP related, so speak about TP.