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Make Nistue raise a requester, when it can't find WB files.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:44 am
by Torque
Loooong (and frustrating) story in short:

Please make Nistune raise an requester/message if it can't find the wideband files.

Nistune was not doing any WB logging, it was very unfortunate since I had planned to log some parameters via the MTS chain (Innovate).
(NT showed the channels, but no data)

Back at home I found this in the log, and I believe this is the reason why Nistune would not show any WB data:
:( :( :( :(

If Nistune would have alerted me, I could have fixed this on the spot.
(I am not using these directories)

12:58:19.046 CNIStuneDoc(): Initilising consult
12:58:19.046 ConsultGetActiveSelections()
12:58:19.046 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\afr1.csv lookup table - empty file
12:58:19.046 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\afr2.csv lookup table - empty file
12:58:19.046 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\afr1.csv lookup table - empty file
12:58:19.046 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\afr2.csv lookup table - empty file
12:58:19.046 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\aux1.csv lookup table - empty file
12:58:19.062 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\aux2.csv lookup table - empty file
12:58:19.062 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\aux3.csv lookup table - empty file
12:58:19.062 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\aux4.csv lookup table - empty file
12:58:19.062 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\aux5.csv lookup table - empty file
12:58:19.062 Unable to load C:\Documents and Settings\TUNE\My Documents\Nistune\Wideband\aux6.csv lookup table - empty file:

Re: Make Nistue raise a requester, when it can't find WB files.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:37 am
by Matt
added to list

Re: Make Nistue raise a requester, when it can't find WB files.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:49 am
by Torque
Put on list -> Top Left :)

Re: Make Nistue raise a requester, when it can't find WB files.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:12 am
by Matt
Changes completed in development code. Collect all information including exact error and report it in a dialog box

Re: Make Nistue raise a requester, when it can't find WB files.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:15 am
by Torque
Good ..
Is the development code available in a beta release?
Happy to test on my side ..

Re: Make Nistue raise a requester, when it can't find WB files.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:55 pm
by Matt
Quite a few changes (mainly GUI and UNICODE) so it will be testing from Tuesday onwards and then a beta by end of week