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Automatic launch of Nistune with one-push button

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:19 pm
by RomChip200
We discussed this already a bit.

The capability to have Nistune up and running in one-push button (basically the launch of Nistune):
_Wideband connected
_Consult connected
_Logging starting with the latest configuration of sensors
It could be a *.bat file with command line ....

I have ultra-pocket PC fitted in my car (Viliv S5), pressing tiny buttons on 4.8" LCD to get connected each time is a pain.

Re: Automatic launch of Nistune with one-push button

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:08 am
by Matt
Seems like the best way to implement this would be to add command line parameters to nistune.exe

Depending on parameter flags would determine if automatic connection, logging etc would start on running. Its on my enhancement list still but I'm getting through other changes firstly

Re: Automatic launch of Nistune with one-push button

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:51 am
by PL
I do like the sound of this. I'd be happy just to start NIStune, load last used bin and display the windows I always use. Every time I start I do the same thing - load adr file, load bin, display fuel/ign map, display gauges, display K constant and display Knock/warning panel.

Having a macro or even just a checkbox/checkboxes in the configuration menu to load all the last used stuff would be kinda groovy.


Re: Automatic launch of Nistune with one-push button

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:55 pm
by Matt
ADR and BIN files are already automatically last loaded.... if you have them enabled in file->configuration

Window positions of each window type are remembered (but not automatically opened... since they are dependably on last address/bin opened and that being successful

If they weren't automatically opened then everything would go spastic... so a series of checks before auto opening each item would be required)

Re: Automatic launch of Nistune with one-push button

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:07 pm
by PL
My window positions are not remembered. Is there a checkbox I need to set maybe?


Re: Automatic launch of Nistune with one-push button

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:22 pm
by RomChip200
PL wrote:My window positions are not remembered. Is there a checkbox I need to set maybe?

you should also put that in the same flavor, Matt. :D

Re: Automatic launch of Nistune with one-push button

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:11 pm
by Matt
Map windows yes but consult display windows dont. Tables just checked dont keep their position. This is using default settings (on freshly installed XP laptop)

Just trying it then on 0.9.13 and opening fuel/timing and closing and reopening are same position.

Re: Automatic launch of Nistune with one-push button

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:39 am
by Matt
Constant and table windows now also keep their positions. Right click context menus for 'multiple windows' added to both also

Fixed issues with auto display gauges and consult view window (now starting Nistune will auto connect, display gauges)

Maps etc to auto display (at previous saved position) not done yet but enhancement item added. I'll have to run through all registry entries which are marked as open, find if the table exists in the address file loaded and then pull it open automatically

Perhaps also if log player previously open, make it previously remember that and reopen automatically. If when its open and consult is on 'auto' then start the recording

Main tick item here is 'auto connect consult' in File > Configuration to trigger this stuff

Re: Automatic launch of Nistune with one-push button

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:52 am
by RomChip200