Cannot connect now (it was working before)
Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:38 pm
I have very strange problem, I had working Nistune via USB consult interface. Everything was working OK, but once I have uploded new map and after starting endine I lost connection and from that point I cannot connect.
I tried to reinstall drivers, no errors, all cables looks good, I have no idea what to do.
Here is debug log:
08:26:53.875 CImageSelPanelView::OnButtonConsult()
08:26:53.875 CConsultMain::OnSelConsultConnect()
08:26:53.875 ConsultGetActiveSelections()
08:26:53.890 AutoFindConsult
08:26:53.890 AutoFindConsult(): Attempting connection
08:26:54.015 Found COM6,PLMS USB Consult Interface
08:26:54.015 statusbar: AttemptConnect(): Connecting to COM6 attempt 1
08:26:54.031 ConsultSM(): Connect(): Consult: Connecting to COM6
08:26:54.171 ConsultSM(): Connect(): GetCommState
08:26:54.218 ConsultSM(): Connect(): SetCommState
08:26:54.234 ConsultSM(): Connect(): SetCommMask
08:26:54.234 ConsultSM(): Connect(): SetupComm
08:26:54.234 ConsultSM(): Connect(): SetCommTimeouts
08:26:54.234 ConsultSM::Connect() - Initialised. Starting ConsultSerialLoop thread
08:26:54.234 SetConsultState(): From 1 to 1
08:26:54.234 SetConsultMode(): From 0 to 0
08:26:54.234 SetupPollCheck(): Send stop stream byte
08:26:54.234 ConsultSerialReadLoop() start
08:26:54.234 TerminateStream() - Stopping previous stream
08:26:54.234 ConsultSerialReadLoop() - Entering thread
08:26:54.234 TX:30
08:26:54.234 sendBufferArray: 1 bytes sent
08:26:54.265 SetupPollCheck(): Clearing RX buffer
08:26:54.265 DumpData() - bytes dumped = 0
08:26:54.265 DumpData() - byte dump completed
08:26:54.265 OnSelConsultInitialise(): Queueing CConsultQueue::CONSULT_EVENT_INITIALISE
08:26:54.265 QueueEvent: Added 0
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Consult queue: 1 deep
08:26:54.343 GetQueuedEvent: Event 0 Index 0
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Queue 0 (P1=0000, P2=0000, P3=F1ACA0)
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop() - Reset IDLE event
08:26:54.343 EventManager: CConsultQueue::CONSULT_EVENT_INITIALISE
08:26:54.343 SetConsultState(): From 1 to 1
08:26:54.343 TX:FF FF EF
08:26:54.343 sendBufferArray: 3 bytes sent
08:26:54.343 SetConsultState(): From 1 to 0
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Get status
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Status Buffer available bytes: 0 (Errors = 0)
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Pending wait on status
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Get read
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Buffer available bytes: 0 (Errors = 0)
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Waiting for 3 bytes, stored 0 bytes, only 0 bytes available
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Pending wait on read
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Waiting for read/status event
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Got Read Event
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): GetOverlappedResult: bytes=0
08:26:54.484 RX:
08:26:54.484 addArray RX bytes: []
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Warning Overlapped result returned 0 bytes
08:26:54.484 CConsultSM:: StreamStateMachine
08:26:54.484 StateMachine: CONSULT_STATE_INITIALISE_CMD_RESP (buffer: 0/3 bytes)
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Get read
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Buffer available bytes: 0 (Errors = 0)
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Waiting for 3 bytes, stored 0 bytes, only 0 bytes available
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Pending wait on read
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Waiting for read/status event
08:26:54.578 AttemptConnect(): Timeout
08:26:54.578 AttemptConnect(): Com port no response
08:26:54.578 ConsultSM::CloseConnectionAndWaitThreadEnd(): Terminating thread
08:26:54.578 WaitForConsultThreadEnd(): Terminating thread and wait
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Got Read Event
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): GetOverlappedResult: bytes=0
08:26:54.625 RX:
08:26:54.625 addArray RX bytes: []
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Warning Overlapped result returned 0 bytes
08:26:54.625 CConsultSM:: StreamStateMachine
08:26:54.625 StateMachine: CONSULT_STATE_INITIALISE_CMD_RESP (buffer: 0/3 bytes)
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadloop() - Stopped loop
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadloop() - Exiting thread
08:26:54.625 WaitForConsultThreadEnd(): success
08:26:54.625 CloseConnectionAndWaitThreadEnd() Successful
08:26:54.625 CConsultSM::CloseConnection
08:26:54.625 getConsultArray(len=0)
08:26:54.625 CloseConnection: Read last bytes failed
08:26:54.625 SetConsultState(): From 0 to 35
08:26:54.625 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Handle released
08:26:54.750 SetConsultState(): From 35 to 1
08:26:54.750 ConsultGetActiveSelections()
08:26:54.750 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Selected registers cleared
08:26:54.750 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Set disconnected. Stop thread event set
08:26:54.750 DisplayConsultConnected(FALSE)
08:26:54.750 UpdateAllCombinationLists()
08:26:54.750 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Combination lists updated
08:26:54.750 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Table lists refreshed
08:26:54.750 statusbar: Consult not connected
08:26:54.750 CUSBMain: Connecting
08:26:54.859 CUSBDriver:Connect() Number of USB devices: 1
08:26:54.859 0: PLMS USB Consult Interface
08:26:54.953 CUSBDriver:Connect(): Could not open DLP-USB - name not found
08:26:54.953 USBMain: USBDisconnect()
08:26:54.953 USBMain: USBDisconnect() - Already disconnected
08:26:54.953 Connect - usb disconnect
Thanks for any help or tips.
I tried to reinstall drivers, no errors, all cables looks good, I have no idea what to do.
Here is debug log:
08:26:53.875 CImageSelPanelView::OnButtonConsult()
08:26:53.875 CConsultMain::OnSelConsultConnect()
08:26:53.875 ConsultGetActiveSelections()
08:26:53.890 AutoFindConsult
08:26:53.890 AutoFindConsult(): Attempting connection
08:26:54.015 Found COM6,PLMS USB Consult Interface
08:26:54.015 statusbar: AttemptConnect(): Connecting to COM6 attempt 1
08:26:54.031 ConsultSM(): Connect(): Consult: Connecting to COM6
08:26:54.171 ConsultSM(): Connect(): GetCommState
08:26:54.218 ConsultSM(): Connect(): SetCommState
08:26:54.234 ConsultSM(): Connect(): SetCommMask
08:26:54.234 ConsultSM(): Connect(): SetupComm
08:26:54.234 ConsultSM(): Connect(): SetCommTimeouts
08:26:54.234 ConsultSM::Connect() - Initialised. Starting ConsultSerialLoop thread
08:26:54.234 SetConsultState(): From 1 to 1
08:26:54.234 SetConsultMode(): From 0 to 0
08:26:54.234 SetupPollCheck(): Send stop stream byte
08:26:54.234 ConsultSerialReadLoop() start
08:26:54.234 TerminateStream() - Stopping previous stream
08:26:54.234 ConsultSerialReadLoop() - Entering thread
08:26:54.234 TX:30
08:26:54.234 sendBufferArray: 1 bytes sent
08:26:54.265 SetupPollCheck(): Clearing RX buffer
08:26:54.265 DumpData() - bytes dumped = 0
08:26:54.265 DumpData() - byte dump completed
08:26:54.265 OnSelConsultInitialise(): Queueing CConsultQueue::CONSULT_EVENT_INITIALISE
08:26:54.265 QueueEvent: Added 0
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Consult queue: 1 deep
08:26:54.343 GetQueuedEvent: Event 0 Index 0
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Queue 0 (P1=0000, P2=0000, P3=F1ACA0)
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop() - Reset IDLE event
08:26:54.343 EventManager: CConsultQueue::CONSULT_EVENT_INITIALISE
08:26:54.343 SetConsultState(): From 1 to 1
08:26:54.343 TX:FF FF EF
08:26:54.343 sendBufferArray: 3 bytes sent
08:26:54.343 SetConsultState(): From 1 to 0
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Get status
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Status Buffer available bytes: 0 (Errors = 0)
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Pending wait on status
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Get read
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Buffer available bytes: 0 (Errors = 0)
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Waiting for 3 bytes, stored 0 bytes, only 0 bytes available
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Pending wait on read
08:26:54.343 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Waiting for read/status event
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Got Read Event
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): GetOverlappedResult: bytes=0
08:26:54.484 RX:
08:26:54.484 addArray RX bytes: []
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Warning Overlapped result returned 0 bytes
08:26:54.484 CConsultSM:: StreamStateMachine
08:26:54.484 StateMachine: CONSULT_STATE_INITIALISE_CMD_RESP (buffer: 0/3 bytes)
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Get read
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Buffer available bytes: 0 (Errors = 0)
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Waiting for 3 bytes, stored 0 bytes, only 0 bytes available
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Pending wait on read
08:26:54.484 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Waiting for read/status event
08:26:54.578 AttemptConnect(): Timeout
08:26:54.578 AttemptConnect(): Com port no response
08:26:54.578 ConsultSM::CloseConnectionAndWaitThreadEnd(): Terminating thread
08:26:54.578 WaitForConsultThreadEnd(): Terminating thread and wait
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Got Read Event
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): GetOverlappedResult: bytes=0
08:26:54.625 RX:
08:26:54.625 addArray RX bytes: []
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadLoop(): Warning Overlapped result returned 0 bytes
08:26:54.625 CConsultSM:: StreamStateMachine
08:26:54.625 StateMachine: CONSULT_STATE_INITIALISE_CMD_RESP (buffer: 0/3 bytes)
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadloop() - Stopped loop
08:26:54.625 ConsultSerialReadloop() - Exiting thread
08:26:54.625 WaitForConsultThreadEnd(): success
08:26:54.625 CloseConnectionAndWaitThreadEnd() Successful
08:26:54.625 CConsultSM::CloseConnection
08:26:54.625 getConsultArray(len=0)
08:26:54.625 CloseConnection: Read last bytes failed
08:26:54.625 SetConsultState(): From 0 to 35
08:26:54.625 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Handle released
08:26:54.750 SetConsultState(): From 35 to 1
08:26:54.750 ConsultGetActiveSelections()
08:26:54.750 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Selected registers cleared
08:26:54.750 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Set disconnected. Stop thread event set
08:26:54.750 DisplayConsultConnected(FALSE)
08:26:54.750 UpdateAllCombinationLists()
08:26:54.750 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Combination lists updated
08:26:54.750 ConsultSM::CloseConnection(): Table lists refreshed
08:26:54.750 statusbar: Consult not connected
08:26:54.750 CUSBMain: Connecting
08:26:54.859 CUSBDriver:Connect() Number of USB devices: 1
08:26:54.859 0: PLMS USB Consult Interface
08:26:54.953 CUSBDriver:Connect(): Could not open DLP-USB - name not found
08:26:54.953 USBMain: USBDisconnect()
08:26:54.953 USBMain: USBDisconnect() - Already disconnected
08:26:54.953 Connect - usb disconnect
Thanks for any help or tips.