Hello to everybody!
Need your help - I've already broke my mind...
Two years ago I swapped into my Nissan Patrol engine RB25DET NEO. Almost at once I've installed Nistune. ECU 0V810, firmware I use is 0V817.
Now it has:
1. LS2/LS7 coils with NGK 7 0.8mm spark plugs - coils are new, and spark plugs are nearly 1,5 years old, but electrodes looks very good.
2. Also I've installed Bosch 044 fuel pump with Tomei (original) fuel pressure regulator (setted it on 3,0bar without vacuum hose).
3. Injectors are stock (and I never got them off from the manifold).
4. Z32 MAF.
4. Turbo GT35 with external wastegate.
I have several problems... I've attached my today's log:
1. The first problem - Rought iddle - my AFR skips +-0,5 at iddle (can be 13,9 and can be 15,2)... I thought it's from bad MAF, today I've installed Z32 MAF, changed MAF in Nistune, but iddle became just roughter... By the way, after changing VQ map, I had to increase KCONST from 580 to 660 to make my engine iddle near 14,7 - is it normal? Or there is already some mistake? First I thought, that there are some problems with voltage, but I've measured power voltage on MAF and it was stable (+-0,01V). I never saw my injectors - can they make such thing? Should I get them off and clean them or just test?
First 17 seconds in the log I just stay with iddle.
Then there are some driving in the city...
2. The second problem is after 4000 RPMs with fully pressed accelerator... You can see it during my drive and in the end I've made some test - last 12 secons.
07.36 - changed gear
07.37 - fully opened throttle
07.40 - up to 4000 RPMS everything is good, but after AFR start increasing up to 13 and the car twitches as if there not anought fuel... Bit I've tried to enabled fuel pump with clamped fuel return hose, so the pressure become 6,0 bars very soon! So I think, fuel pump and fuel filter are good...
Thank's to everybody who read this and waiting your ideas!
Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
Moderator: Matt
Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
- Attachments
- Patrol RB25_2012-08-30_2310_45.csv
- (691.45 KiB) Downloaded 306 times
Re: Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
Looking at your log around 7:40 to 7:42 all of your main parameters are OK. Specifically injection time is staying the same or increasing as AFR's lean out. I'd be checking my fuel pressure under load. You should see 42 to 43psi at opsi boost and fuel pressure should increase at a linear rate with boost. So 42psi at 0psi boost, 52psi at 10psi boost etc.
Re: Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
Thank's a lot for your answering, but fuel pressure is normal. I've already tested it...PL wrote:Looking at your log around 7:40 to 7:42 all of your main parameters are OK. Specifically injection time is staying the same or increasing as AFR's lean out. I'd be checking my fuel pressure under load. You should see 42 to 43psi at opsi boost and fuel pressure should increase at a linear rate with boost. So 42psi at 0psi boost, 52psi at 10psi boost etc.
Today I've read a lot about DWELL and understood, where the mistake was. I've changed DWELL tables and tried the car - now it run very good up to the rev limit, so now upper revs are ok, and only one problem to solve is rough iddle, later I'll see if it also can be from DWELL settings...
That's my today's log and .bin file...
PLease, see the log - there are good acceleratings from 05:14 till 05:34 and from 07:27 till 07:49 - I don't see problems with lean AFR at revs upper than 4000, now I see good rich AFR (may be too rich, but this are my first steps in NisTune and I haven't adjusted Fuel and Ignition yet)...
And I see that at point 07:38.078 that Injection Duty Cycle is only 41%-s, so I have a lot of duty for boost upping...
- Attachments
- Patrol RB25_2012-08-31_2141_43.csv
- (1.19 MiB) Downloaded 191 times
- clear + Z32 MAF + DWELL + K.bin
- (64 KiB) Downloaded 285 times
Re: Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
Today I've set up DWELL Time, so now it's ok! But I have one problem, that I haven't resolved yet!
Can anybody help?
When I drive with acceleration about 90% (throttle), the car goes excellent, but when I push acceleration to the flor (throttle 100%), there some pushes at revs more that 3500 and I sence much less power...
I've driven yesterday evening and logged my drive, I can't understand my ingnition - the ignition timing during acceleration differs from tables - it is something between common table and knock table... Why can it be so? And I don't see, that knock tables start light in NisTune...
I've tested base degrees with stroboscope - there are 15 degrees as in manual...
Thank's to everybody!
Today I've set up DWELL Time, so now it's ok! But I have one problem, that I haven't resolved yet!
Can anybody help?
When I drive with acceleration about 90% (throttle), the car goes excellent, but when I push acceleration to the flor (throttle 100%), there some pushes at revs more that 3500 and I sence much less power...
I've driven yesterday evening and logged my drive, I can't understand my ingnition - the ignition timing during acceleration differs from tables - it is something between common table and knock table... Why can it be so? And I don't see, that knock tables start light in NisTune...
I've tested base degrees with stroboscope - there are 15 degrees as in manual...
Thank's to everybody!
- Attachments
- new clear Z32 600cc Scales NewDw.bin
- (64 KiB) Downloaded 262 times
- NIStune_2012-10-06_0053_29.csv
- (930.87 KiB) Downloaded 279 times
Re: Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
FYI The ECU can pull timing before going to the knock tables
I am seeing here at 1:57.625 - 2:01.141 where your problem is occurring during playback
Timing in maps is around 19-20 but your consult timing is reporting 13 - 17 deg BDTC. It may be the case that the ECU is pulling additional timing due to knock feedback
You could try and disconnect the knock sensor and stub with 470kohm resistor to see if problem still continues. Also check with knock headphones that ECU is not actually knocking at this particular point (or if its engine noise)
Do you also have any fault codes? Is your boost sensor hooked up?
I am seeing here at 1:57.625 - 2:01.141 where your problem is occurring during playback
Timing in maps is around 19-20 but your consult timing is reporting 13 - 17 deg BDTC. It may be the case that the ECU is pulling additional timing due to knock feedback
You could try and disconnect the knock sensor and stub with 470kohm resistor to see if problem still continues. Also check with knock headphones that ECU is not actually knocking at this particular point (or if its engine noise)
Do you also have any fault codes? Is your boost sensor hooked up?
Re: Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
Hi, Matt!Matt wrote:FYI The ECU can pull timing before going to the knock tables
I am seeing here at 1:57.625 - 2:01.141 where your problem is occurring during playback
Timing in maps is around 19-20 but your consult timing is reporting 13 - 17 deg BDTC. It may be the case that the ECU is pulling additional timing due to knock feedback
You could try and disconnect the knock sensor and stub with 470kohm resistor to see if problem still continues. Also check with knock headphones that ECU is not actually knocking at this particular point (or if its engine noise)
Do you also have any fault codes? Is your boost sensor hooked up?
No, I don't have any fault codes and boost sensor is hooked up.
I've seen my knock sensors with oscilloscope - and yes, there are knock about 2-2.5V at this range, so I've finally installed knock monitors that I bought from http://www.knockgauge.eu
By the way knock gauges are cheap (about 50$) and man can make different ouptuts from them - digital or analogue, so you can think about using them with NisTune.
I've bought two kits, and transfered LEDs from the box to my cluster.
Today I've tried to record blinks and that's what I've received.
I tried to accelerate with throttle about 80% and there were no blinks... And when the throttle is about 100%, there are a lot of blinks...
Generall I've made a lot of steps, the major of them are:
2. Changed MAF and injectors in Nistune.
3. Adjusted K for low load AFR to be about 14.7.
4. Adjusted Latency for idle AFR to be about 14.7.
5. Adjusted Load Scales to be max acceleration at 2 from the right row.
NisTune scaled Fuel Load Scale to 168. Now I use boost only 0.5bar with TP 121 at max. So I've scaled Fuel Load, Ign Load and Boost Load Scales to 0,72. Is it right? Should I scale all the tables to the same value? Or there should be another scaler?
Can it be that knocks are as I scaled Loads wrong...
I've orderes new cooper spark plugs (can bad spark plugs make knocks?) and boost controller, so I'm going to install boost controller, adjust Load Scales to max boost and then fine tune the maps at different boost setups. Is this a propper way?
Waiting your replying...
Re: Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
Knock gauge looks interesting. If we could get some analogue output would be good. Whole issue is differentiating engine noise from actual knock. Even the factory ECU sometimes has a hard time doing this - causing pulling timing due to false positive knock reporting
Where you are getting more blinks could be where the Nissan ECU also gets some of these passing through its narrowband filter and subsequently pulling timing
5. With regards to your scaling it should be about say 10 - 130 which will cover your maximum TP. Max of 72 is too low at the moment. It will affect your vehicle since you will be using the end column timing values for all TP > 72 at the moment and may contribute to knock if the values are too high
Where you are getting more blinks could be where the Nissan ECU also gets some of these passing through its narrowband filter and subsequently pulling timing
5. With regards to your scaling it should be about say 10 - 130 which will cover your maximum TP. Max of 72 is too low at the moment. It will affect your vehicle since you will be using the end column timing values for all TP > 72 at the moment and may contribute to knock if the values are too high
Re: Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
I think they can make analogue output - try to contact them...Matt wrote:Knock gauge looks interesting. If we could get some analogue output would be good. Whole issue is differentiating engine noise from actual knock. Even the factory ECU sometimes has a hard time doing this - causing pulling timing due to false positive knock reporting
Where you are getting more blinks could be where the Nissan ECU also gets some of these passing through its narrowband filter and subsequently pulling timing
5. With regards to your scaling it should be about say 10 - 130 which will cover your maximum TP. Max of 72 is too low at the moment. It will affect your vehicle since you will be using the end column timing values for all TP > 72 at the moment and may contribute to knock if the values are too high
I've tried to hold different RPMs at different throttle and I think, this knock monitor differes knocks from engine noise...
About scaler - I meaned that I scaled (multiplyed) Fuel Load, Ign Load and Boost Load Scales with 0,72 (72%).
Fuel Load Scale was 168, became 121.
Ignition Load Scale was 218 became 157.
VE load scale was 135 became 97.
I didn't scaled Boost Load Scale, because changing MAF and Injectors in NisTune doesn't change them... Should I scale this table too?
And is it right that I scaled all the Load Scales to one multiplyer?
Re: Gurus! Need you help! RB25DET with Z32 MAF
No probs with the scales. Those are fine. Leave the boost scaling alone