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Idle issue - lean for 3-4 sec after revving

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:14 pm
by martin7937

I've been trying to tune my ECU for quite some time already. Unfortunately with no success.
Usually I am very close to what I pursue as a target, but I always meet certain limitations.

Vehicle is P10 Primera SR20DE, 83JXX.
370cc injectors and N15-1N4xx-P11 MAF.

Below are several tables which look odd to me.
Actually, the TTPMAX looks fine (I think), but not the other two tables.
While resizing the injectors, I had the ticks on 'Adjust TP scalers', 'Adjust TTP Min/Max' and 'Adjust Cranking Tables'.

Please let me know if I really should see the below or, there is just something wrong.


Re: TTPMIN, TTPMAX, TPS Determination

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:17 pm
by martin7937
Anyone please?

Re: TTPMIN, TTPMAX, TPS Determination

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:21 pm
by Matt
Please put the attached address file in your Documents\Nistune\Address folder

I've had a good look through the code tonight. It took quite a number of hours since I had to build symbol tables for this particular year which is different to the earlier models.

TTPMIN was incorrect and has been located and added
TTPMAX is fine with the current address
TPS determination does not exist for this ECU (I have identified it is used with Q_OFFSET_RPM as a TPS enrichment adjustment for injection but these tables and routines dont exist on this ECU)

Re: TTPMIN, TTPMAX, TPS Determination

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:10 am
by martin7937
Hi Matt,

Thanks for fixing the *.adr for me! Things look much different now and finally make sense.


Re: Idle issue - lean for 3-4 sec after reving

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:52 pm
by martin7937
I am finally making a progress, which makes me think everything with the adr file is fine now.
Load scales are properly set. At WOT I barely touch last column. Idle is determined by bottom-left 4 cells.
Car runs good now. Still plenty of work to do, mainly on ignition table. K seems to be proper as well. As of now, I haven't rescaled the VE table as it causes problems every time I do so.

I noticed an idling issue which I can't find to be affected by any table though.
At idle I see mixtures of 13.9:1-14.1:1. Engine runs very smooth and it is hard to notice any overlap. But when I rev it with even 100 RPM (just to get TPS IDLE ON/OFF/ON), engine first idles with 18s/19s for few seconds and then goes back to what I've adjusted.
Any idea what this could be?

Below is a screenshot of what I see. Attached is also the bin, together with a log.