deceleration fuel enrichment
Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:08 pm
Car: 1994 Nissan sentra
Operating system :windows Xp
I'm a tuning noob. .... but where the hell is the idle deceleration fuel enrichment tab? Do I alter this in the fuel map instead? My car runs super lean in gear when I let off the throttle. Every setting I play with has no effect. Am I doing something wrong, am I missing something? Help me out please. Should not be this hard.
Operating system :windows Xp
I'm a tuning noob. .... but where the hell is the idle deceleration fuel enrichment tab? Do I alter this in the fuel map instead? My car runs super lean in gear when I let off the throttle. Every setting I play with has no effect. Am I doing something wrong, am I missing something? Help me out please. Should not be this hard.