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NisTune/Pocket Programmer2 related

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:47 am
by Dan-TSS
I'm finally happy with the tune I have made with NisTune and I'm having trouble understanding what I am doing wrong with regards to taking the main image(Bin) and burning that information to a chip.
I know I have the proper chips for the application....they were purchased by another fellow tuner(Jason84na2T) and he has had success with them.(they are from digi-key and are part#AT27C256R-70PU-ND)
I can't seem to remember everything he showed me back in November 2006 regardingthe programming. I have had three un-successful attempts and am not wanting to simply run out of trys by running out of chips to try on.
What I have done, with-out success, is to open up the POCKET PROGRAMMER program and select "load buffer", go to the NisTune Bin file that I have been using for the main image, and program device. It takes a few minutes doing its thing(programming the information), and then when I try the doesn't work right. The fuel pump flutters on/off constantly and the engine will not start.
I remember being told to verify that the beginning of the information I am loading to the buffer when programming starts off with OFB7...I can see this and am at a loss, as I do not know what I am doing wrong. I think I'm doing something wrong that is easily fixed/answered....
Any help or ideas as to where to get help if none is available through here?
thanks in advance,

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:36 am
by ByReaL
i may have an ideea, if you save the image created with Nistune and try to burn it to an eeprom and use that eeprom in your ecu , this will not work for shure .

this is because nistune saves to the bin only the maps, and the rest of the chip is filled with FF or 00 (not shure if FF or 00 but you can have a look)

so you have to copy all the maps /constants from nistune image to an ecu image in and afther that burn that bin to the eprom/eeprom memory and install it in the ecu.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:28 pm
by Dan-TSS
By ReaL wrote:so you have to copy all the maps /constants from nistune image to an ecu image in and afther that burn that bin to the eprom/eeprom memory and install it in the ecu.
:oops: Yes...I knew the answer in basic word form would seem fairly simple. I'm so un-educated on these things..I was hoping that someone could walk me through the steps with using the Xtronics Pocket Programmer2 so I can handle accomplishing this.
(I do not quite understand what information to copy/burn to a eeprom or exactly how to do it)
I have the tools and software, but have a lack in experience. The instructions I have read through for these items is not very clear to me as to what to do.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:42 pm
by Fusion Ed
This was not the case with me??

I have a willem programmer. this evening I loaded the rom for my car into Nistune, I then increased the rev limiter, saved the ROM and then burnt it to a chip. It worked fine.


Matt, if you see this I have the limiter sorted now, It was found at 0550h 12.5 multiplier.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 1:08 pm
by Bernardd
Dan are you programming the binfile starting at 0x4000h? The z31 ecu uses the 4000 to 7fff memory addresses if you use a 256k chip.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 7:01 pm
by prushton
matt, as above, i got the limit sorted for ed, found a few others too :)


Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 9:38 pm
by Dan-TSS
Bernardd wrote:Dan are you programming the binfile starting at 0x4000h? The z31 ecu uses the 4000 to 7fff memory addresses if you use a 256k chip.
OK..well, can you break this down further for me please.(as in, step by step how to verify and accomplish this)
I need this in idiot form because I am unsure of what I am doing.

*When I use "Load Buffer" with the programmer software and select my tune, it says at the top of the screen after I select "Edit Buffer": Address:000000 Hex Data=0f Ascii Data=.
*then the code starts out with what Jason said I need to be sure it should(OF B7).
I'd call you Bernard, but I no longer have long distance. :cry:
*I see on the lower right hand side where it shows:
Buffer Start=00000
Device Start=00000
Device End=07FFF

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 11:54 pm
by Fusion Ed
Sorry to send on a tangent again, I just wanted to thank pete, I didn't know you where on here :)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:36 pm
by Bernardd
Download skype or msn and get a mic and we can chat gratis.

Post a screenshot of the address 4000. That's where the data needs to be started. If it's not there, then you........hell just send me the file and I'll double it for you. That should be all you need to do.