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enhancement for afr trace table

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 12:03 am
by ByReaL
you open the fuel map, open the afr table, and as the engine run the afr cels are filled, with the recorded afr value,

when you open the fuel table, the afr table and a loged file, you have to pres play button and wayt untill all teh file is played at the normal speed in order taht the software fils the afr table cels.

can this be filled autoaticaly when the file is loaded, or when the window is oppend...

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:13 am
by Matt
i've added it to the list. it would be very handy just to load a file and have the AFR from the previous run available without having to run through it all

the only way to do this however is to do a quick playback through the log

I'll have to implement something in the logger to allow this...

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:36 am
by ByReaL
nice, and another request if pozible for average value presented in that afr table

average = (value 1 + value 2+ value3 + .... + valuen)/n

and NOT
average = (val_max + val_min)/2

i know it is more simple to do add min to max an divide by 2 but this will not give a good result at all

i do not know how it will react when loading a 2megs log file (n verry verry big) and you switch to average :(

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:46 pm
by J30_VG33ET
That'd be awesome to not have to play back the logs to populate the graph!

Matt, could you also look into adding the ability to plot AF Alpha and Timing to this tool?

Also, what are the units getting plotted...? Is it supposed to be AFR/100?
