SR20DE S13 into S12 silvia

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SR20DE S13 into S12 silvia

Post by AUSBen31 »

Hey guys

Ive put an SR20de into my s12. Its got a annoying issue which i think is possibly an issue with having no speedo wire connected (gazelle uses speedo cable so no electronic module to give ecu a speed signal)
When in 1st and 2nd, i can accelerate completely to 7000RPM+ (havent touched limiter) however, as soon as i get to third at around 6000rpm it completely cuts off fuel every time. if i shift into fourth it remains cut until i let off throttle for a few seconds or slow down. Havent tried to see if it does this in fourth however im going to asssume it will at probably a lower RPM than third if its load orientated.

now i have read from PL on here

" Some Nissan ECU's will get very upset if the speed signal isn't present. I don't think it affects the tuning so much as the actual running of the engine. They will simply injector cut at a certain point. S13 SR20DE is a classic for this. I do wiring looms for engine conversions, so I've now seen this a few times.

The S13 DE will run fine until it's held wide open (6000rpm+) at high load (3rd gear+) continuously. So most road cars won't even see the problem. But race cars can and do. Once they've run for about 5 seconds under these conditions they will injector cut. Hard.

Others I've seen do this during bench testing are GTiR SR's and I recently tested a Z32 ECU and they do it too. S14 SR20DE's will do the same, but take longer - about 10 seconds. Most will recover once RPM drops below a certain point.

Most SR20DET's don't seem to care.

PL "
If i order a type 3 nistune board (which i was planing on doing in the future but not at current time) can i disable the speed sensor DTC flag so this cut no longer happens? Im unable to get a speed input due to the speedo cable in the gazelle and wanting to retain factory cluster. Otherwise is there a way i can trick ECU into sensing speed until i purchase a type 3 board?
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Re: SR20DE S13 into S12 silvia

Post by Matt »

Clearing the fault code, does not remove the checks for a speed signal in the other parts of the ECU

The load cut you are seeing is due to the 'safety' limit parameters being used. If you use a Type 3 board and increase those limits then it should resolve the early cut issue

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Re: SR20DE S13 into S12 silvia

Post by AUSBen31 »

What parameter would i change in ECU to stop this safety though?
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Re: SR20DE S13 into S12 silvia

Post by Matt »

'Safety RPM' and 'Safety TP' under limits

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Re: SR20DE S13 into S12 silvia

Post by AUSBen31 »

Sweet ill be ordering a nistune board shortly for this then.
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