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Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:20 pm
by me1nik
Hi Guys.
After a few weeks, gone to connect to the AEM Failsafe Nistune get positive results.

Thanks to Matt for the fact that yesterday completed the program in recent changes and I tested it all works well, you now post the instructions on connecting.

1.) Install com0com:
2.) As Administrator, run this from the cmd line: "Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON"
3.) Restart your PC and configure com0com with these settings (check the boxes first, then hit apply; you'll see the COM ports and not CNCB ports then):
- Note the two COM port #'s chosen by com0com
4.) Configure Nistune to use AEM UEGO / Boost and one of the COM ports as configured in com0com
(191.82 KiB) Downloaded 8763 times
5.) Install and run app
(124.67 KiB) Downloaded 600 times
and then choose the other COM port # Turn on debug AFR output if you'd like.
(44.57 KiB) Downloaded 8763 times
6.) Start up logging on Nistune, and it should just work.

Notes: The program can also be run without the need for any keyboard interaction as follows: "WBFS.exe 5" (where "5" is for COM5) or even simply "wbfs 5"

Do NOT run alongside the AEM Wideband Failsafe software as they will fight each other for USB traffic and logging will be completely wrong. This program runs stand-alone.

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:52 pm
by Matt
Thanks for posting the instructions!

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:27 am
by kgriffin
Awesome thanks for posting this!! Quick question, are you able to record your boost in nistune with this? My AFR's are registering but not the boost, any suggestions?

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:43 pm
by Rob280z
I am having a bit of an issue setting up my AEM 30-4900 Wideband to Nistune. I downloaded com0com and I am able to create a COM port. I also have AEM Wideband Bridge downloaded and I can see real time numbers of AFRs on this program. When I try to connect the wideband to Nistune after I have configured the COM port, the wideband page opens but reads no wideband found (see photo). I have tried using different COM ports and restarting programs but so far I have had no luck connecting the wideband to Nistune. Also I have closed all programs except Nistune and tried to connect but I still was not able to find the wideband.

Any ideas?

Thank you

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:25 pm
by Matt
As per email (duplicate of this post) please make a debug log and email through

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:03 am
by Rob280z
I found my issue, which was a very simple mistake. I needed to select COM 16 for the AEM Wideband Bridge and COM15 in the configurations tab in Nistune. Once I connected to the correct COM ports Nistune recognized my wideband.

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:14 am
by Matt
Okay excellent!

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:05 am
by Torque
I'm just hooking in here, so are you able to log boost and afr in NT?


Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:52 am
by louiswun
Thank you Me1nik, it works excellent.

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:51 am
by Matt
Torque - depending on wideband/gauge but yes you are in 1.3.1 can do AFR/boost combinations

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:55 am
by Shane001
Does this use the USB connection from the failsafe gauge or the analog output wires connected via serial port to a FTDI USB/Serial converter?

Editing this post again as the posts that follow are wrong. Yes this does use the USB connection from the failsafe gauge.

The downside is this method will only log AFR/Lambda, it doesn't allow you to log the boost signal.

Matt, maybe you can clean up this thread by deleting the following posts to avoid any confusion for others.

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:30 pm
by Shane001
So next question, which wires to connect to which pins on the DB9 connector.

White is AFR - should this go to pin 2 same as the UEGO?
Brown is Ground - should this go to pin 5 same as the UEGO?
Yellow is Boost - which pin should this go to?


Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:20 pm
by Matt
I'm not familiar with the wiring on these, but if you have a AFR and boost output, then these are analog 0-5V outputs most likely, and you will need a DLP A/D converter to read those

Serial connections on the UEGO were RX and GND

So you are not seeing a COM port? I'm not sure on that then

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:38 pm
by Shane001
Hi Matt,

Yeah I've since realised I need the DLP A/D converter for the failsafe gauge so ordered this from Digikey.

Today I successfully wired up and tested my AEM UEGO gauge via a DB9 serial port and FTDI converter. This gauge is for the right bank (Z32).

Now I just need to understand how to wire up the DLP for the AEM Failsafe gauge to log the left bank AFR's and boost.

The failsafe has 3 wires:
Yellow = Boost 0-5v analog output
White = AFR 0-5v analog output
Brown = ground analog output

So do I wire this as follows on the DLP?
White into port 1.
Yellow into port 2.
Brown into GND.

Regarding grounding the other inputs, do I just connect ports 3 through 8 together and then connect these to GND also?
Or just connect all the unused inputs to a chassis ground?
Does anything need to be connected to the 5V port on the DLP?

Thanks :)

Re: Wideband AEM Failsafe 30-4900 connection

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:21 am
by Matt
That wiring is correct what you have written. Then small pieces of wire or a single strand from ground (on the DLP) through to the other pins to stop the inputs flapping