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Another status update

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:45 pm
by Matt
I've been busy with wideband, emulation and consult improvements.

Heres the deal

- Dual wideband support has been coded and in its initial testing works
- Now got 6 Auxillary wideband guages which have min/max and interpolation from CSV files completed. Requires some testing
- Got a borrowed romulator and Moates ostrich currently been working on dual emulation. Got that working last night with two romulators in SPLIT and ODD/EVEN modes.

Tested out S13 (SPLIT), S14 (ODD/EVEN), S15 (ODD/EVNE) and K11 (SPLIT) using standard daughterboards with romulators plugged in

Romualtors do upload/download properly, updates seem to work most times but sometimes I think the romulator is missing some updates (since the logs indicate we have written the data, and romulator confirms it.... so still investigating that one)

Also romulator seems to drop the ECU sometimes during mass updates (like selecting a block and updating / filling it). I'm a bit suspect on their hardware and will see if moates is any better

We also have got a user with a calum realtime board (which behaves like a romulator and has built in consult) and having a few compatiblity and hardware issues with that. The calum board seems to drop the USB connection to the PC during starting, wideband connection and sometimes randomly. I have improved error reporting for these type of hardware problems.

Also looking into adding map locking (so others cant see your tunes) into the application software soon.

I've gone through the current bug list and updated these forums and the spreadsheet (this was uploaded the other night). There have been a recent increase in new unreported bugs added to the list. I'm getting some more time in the following weeks to chase those up and get the most impacting / annoying ones off the list (including wideband disconnect and retries)

Knock sensor investigation still needs some looking into, once the bug list is a bit smaller

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:39 pm
by prushton
matt, i have a good bunch of emulators, romulators, ostrich, multirom, so i have done a fair bit of testing

the romulators are too slow i personally think on the newer ecus, sometimes the hidden write ain't so hidden.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:41 pm
by Matt
So you dont see the same issues with the Moates then?

Romulator allows 100us write time (behind the scenes) and if that doesnt work then it just writes anyway

I think flooding the romulator with 'hidden write' updates (say 256 in a small space of time)

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:49 pm
by prushton
the moates doesn't skip a beat when uploading a full fuel table.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:05 am
by Fusion Ed
Excuse me if this is an obvious question, but presumably then for 16bit emulation you would require two Ostrich emulators, plugged into each socket of a rom daughter board? And Nistune supports this?

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:44 am
by Matt
Next version it will.... i only got it running this week whilst I have a spare romulator and moates emulator on loan. Only available in the tuner version

Works quite well except for those problems noted above. I can insert some small gaps between each right to give the romulator some breathing space...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 2:09 am
by Fusion Ed
The tuner version is the one I have... If this is going to work as said, I.e. using the ostrich emulators, 1 for 8 bit, 2 for 16 bit? Then I shall buy them immediately..


Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:32 pm
by Matt
Well I've tested....

One romulator (8 bit)
Two romualtors (16 bit) ODD/EVEN and SPLIT
One Moates ostrich (8 bit)

Also did a test with One Moates / One Romulator (16 bit) in SPLIT on K11 and that worked too. But did have problems on S15 with this combination on ODD/EVEN (grounding issue perhaps)

If you get two Moates you should be able to do 16 bit on most daughterboards with the next version

Also I noticed that when I had the consult and two emulators plugged into the laptop, and then tried wideband too (all using USB-Serial converters) that consult would disconnect. I had to ground the wideband to the USB connector shield on the consult ... and then it got working again

This is because you get a 'floating' ground usually when using a laptop. So you have to connect all grounds (emulator, consult and wideband) to a common ground

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:30 am
by Fusion Ed
Sounds good, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. I'm loving nistune more and more!