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Boost Control in Feature Pack - explanation needed :)
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:55 pm
by Benne
Can someone please explain how the boost duty speeds 1/2 and gear coefficients 1/2 affect the duty cycle maps for gear 1/2/3?
Could´nt find that anywhere.
Thanks in advance,
Re: Boost Control in Feature Pack - explanation needed :)
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:38 am
by Benne
Did some testing this evening, works great with the boost control solenoid valve supplied by BorgWarner on my EFR7163 TwinScroll.
But I don´t understand why I have to copy my changes in all of the duty cycle maps to affect the boost.
I´m testing by doing full throttle runs in 3rd, 4th an 5th gear but changes only appear when copied also to gear 1 and gear 2 map...
Re: Boost Control in Feature Pack - explanation needed :)
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:05 pm
by Matt
This needs an update. Most of the maps and description so far some from decoding the ECU and some of the explanation here
However this doesnt cover all the parameters, and some I'm still attempting to determine their function. Nothing is documented by nissan so everything needs to be figured out
I'm planning on changing the boost tables as part of boost vs ethanol changes. Gear 1/2/3 is not accurate. Should really labeled as gear map 1, gear map 2, gear map 3
Normally only gear map 1 is used in lower gears (eg 1,2,3) and map 2 in higher gears (eg 4,5). Automatic transmission models may reference gear map 3 from memory
The gear coefficient 1,2 will determine the switch from gear map 1 to gear map2, and gear map2 to gear map3. These are both a rpm/speed ratio of 47. So only one map gets used
Just work on making maps 1,2 the same or you can adjust the higher gear map for different duty if you wish for 4th,5th gear
Re: Boost Control in Feature Pack - explanation needed :)
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:43 pm
by Benne
Thanks Matt!
Matt wrote:
Just work on making maps 1,2 the same or you can adjust the higher gear map for different duty if you wish for 4th,5th gear
First I only worked on map 3 cause map 3 was the one highlightened green during driving in 3rd gear and higher...