Transfer of software license.

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Transfer of software license.

Post by Topdog781 »

After many years of waiting patiently for this ecu to develop to and evolve to what a ecu should be today , along with multiple chassis and electrical issues, I've decided to retire my project vehicle. However, I am having trouble selling my ecu alone. Part of this problem is due to people not wanting to purchase a sofware license for 200-$250 on top of buying the ecu for 200-300 bucks and a good quality consult cable for about $80. Then we can talk about another $200-250 just to update the board to access the latest features. I mean for the total price of the four someone can get something top knotch on the market today with a lot of features less headaches such as a used stand alone. I'm not going to lie. I would have to sell this thing for pennys to make it atrractive to buyers these days. To sweeten the deal I may toss in my laptop with the software as part of the deal since that is all I used it for. I was wondering if there was a way to transfer over my license to a new owner so they can access the sofware on the ecu.
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Re: Transfer of software license.

Post by Matt »

Not sure what you are meaning by "what the ECU should be today". There are limitations in hardware to what can be achieved for these ECUs. For the B13 SR20DE the current feature set is there it stands for development. These days, I almost sell no boards for this model now (probably given Nismotronic has picked up that entire market) so it seems pointless to spend any more time or money adding extra features to this particular ECU. I would be more focused on other later model ECUs which are still selling like R34 Skyline, S15 200SX etc and newer flash based models as well as running through existing issues with software etc.

At todays exchange rate, software licences are $200AUD ~ $150USD, upgrading the firmware $38USD plus shipping board, so I'm not sure where you get those numbers.

Email me the name and email for the new end customer and your existing licence details and I can arrange the transfer. Other packages include software into the price of the unit

Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:14 am

Re: Transfer of software license.

Post by Topdog781 »

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