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Highlight Flags in Type 3 SR20DET

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:20 pm
by louiswun
In the fuel maps, does it mean using o2 feedback to maintain stoichiometric ?
How to turn off the flags if the load scale is different from factory load ?

Re: Highlight Flags in Type 3 SR20DET

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:51 pm
by Matt
O2 feedback flags are used for where the long term trims are adjusted, but not only that area keeps to closed loop (stoichiometric)

If the TP load scale is different, then you can adjust the closed loop TP parameters (same with other things TP related like knock TP area and sync/async throttle TP)

That is why I added TIM, so you can adjust K to keep all the TP load scales near factory values

Re: Highlight Flags in Type 3 SR20DET

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:58 pm
by louiswun
I need to adjust the first 6 column of load scale for vacuum and the 7th and the rest for the boost.
To turn off O2 feedback on the 5th and 6th column in the fuel map, raw value viwe, I have change the 192 to 0, to turn off the flag .
To turn on knock feedback on the 7th and 8th column in the timing map, raw valve view, change the 9 to 137 (or something like that)
I don't know if it is a correct way ?

Re: Highlight Flags in Type 3 SR20DET

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:02 am
by Matt
Use O key to turn off O2 cells (filtered value must be 0 or above, due to ECU range limitations)
Use K key to turn off knock cells in timing map

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