87 Only Runs On 86 Base Tune?
Moderator: Matt
87 Only Runs On 86 Base Tune?
Hi guys, any thoughts on why I can get the car to start & run (poorly) with an 86 base turbo tune but when I try an 87 base turbo tune which the car is (87 with added stock Z turbo) it won't run??? Thoughts are GREATLY appreciated since I never get ANY replies to any of my posts here:-(
Re: 87 Only Runs On 86 Base Tune?
I had to go back through your emails/orders here to see what the problem is:
Type 1 board VG30E A18-676-M80 (26P61) > 26P0H FP1.1
So you are running a 1988 ECU (with 26P0H feature pack)
So you cannot load in other files apart from 26P0H into this ECU. As to which file you are loading from the 1986 ECU I am curious? Are you trying 19P1H or similar?
We would need more details on what you are loading in?
Based on emails from yourself (12 July) you went from factory 260CC to 440CC injectors, so K const=607 (stock) but TIM=302
Type 1 board VG30E A18-676-M80 (26P61) > 26P0H FP1.1
So you are running a 1988 ECU (with 26P0H feature pack)
So you cannot load in other files apart from 26P0H into this ECU. As to which file you are loading from the 1986 ECU I am curious? Are you trying 19P1H or similar?
We would need more details on what you are loading in?
Based on emails from yourself (12 July) you went from factory 260CC to 440CC injectors, so K const=607 (stock) but TIM=302